rainlanguage / rain.orderbook

Rain orderbook libraries, subgraph and contract implementation.
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show and ability to change the owner that is being used to eval the debug panel #649

Open thedavidmeister opened 2 months ago

thedavidmeister commented 2 months ago


want to be able to debug against production data for existing deployed get/set

for example, if i deploy a sampler and it is running, i want to be able to see the samples when i am debugging my trading strat

currently this doesn't work, it always returns 0 for the results of the sampler, i think this is because the owner is not being set during debugging

i tried to connect my wallet but it didn't help


hardyjosh commented 2 months ago

@thedavidmeister is the context grid changing for obv4?

hardyjosh commented 1 month ago

This is because the namespace that is used when evalling is set to default


To resolve this issue we need three things: