rainsworth / ROSA

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Collaborating on our similar projects #16

Closed chartgerink closed 6 years ago

chartgerink commented 6 years ago

@rainsworth it was good talking to you at OpenCon and am excited to collaborate on our projects! 🥂

I am working from the libscie/now-boarding repository and would be happy to invite you as a maintainer there if you'd like. I think the main aspect of the collaboration is worthwhile on content and reviewing it via Pull Requests (where we can do line-by-line comments and iterate the content).

Our talk has motivated me to start drafting some content today (finally recovered from the conference), which you can view here. It's just a beginning, but I'd love for us to collaborate on creating the content. I can take on the task of the technical aspects such as the page around it.

Let's discuss further here? 👍

rainsworth commented 6 years ago

@chartgerink I am so excited about this! Yes, feel free to add me as a maintainer, I am happy to contribute/collaborate on content.

I especially like the format we talked about for presenting topics/content:

as demonstrated on your preprint example above.

We also talked about translations - @gedankenstuecke suggested getting in touch with egle, who did community translation for https://stallcatchers.com/main in google docs.

chartgerink commented 6 years ago

@rainsworth 💯 Before talking to you I was getting a bit demotivated about this project but now am back on track. I just invited you onto the repo. Hm, I am wondering how we can best coordinate on topic creation and review. A spreadsheet maybe? Let me know what you think :-)

I just added the structure more explicitly to the CONTRIBUTING.md because I already forgot we talked about it like that 😮

Translations is a good idea for when the content is stabilizing, so let's park that for now and come back to it in a few months? @gedankenstuecke I was thinking about something like weblate at some point, you/egle have any experience with that?