rainwoodman / gaepsi

Visualization Toolkit for GADGET2 Cosmology Simulations
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Plotting a Gadget File #4

Open markushaider opened 11 years ago

markushaider commented 11 years ago

Hi, I am trying to plot the dark matter distribution in a Gadget file and tried to follow the tutorial in the wiki. When I do use('/home/markus/Desktop/dmevo/100mpc/snapshot_000','massiveblack')

I get the following error:

In [12]: use('/home/markus/Desktop/dmevo/100mpc/snapshot_000','massiveblack')

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) /home/markus/ in () ----> 1 use('/home/markus/Desktop/dmevo/100mpc/snapshot_000','massiveblack')

/home/markus/ in use(snapname, format, periodic, origin, boxsize, mapfile, **kwargs)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gaepsi/store.pyc in use(self, snapname, format, periodic, origin, boxsize, mapfile, _kwargs) 139 """ 140 self.snapname = snapname --> 141 self._format = Reader(format, _kwargs) 142 143 try:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gaepsi/readers/init.pyc in Reader(reader, kwargs) 24 classname = 'Snapshot' 25 except Exception as e: ---> 26 modulename, classname = reader.rsplit('.', 1) 27 module = import**('gaepsi.readers.%s' % modulename, globals(), {}, [classname], 0) 28

ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

So I am not sure what the problem is. Is it that massiveblack is the wrong file format? I think I use gadget format 1, to what would this correspond?

rainwoodman commented 11 years ago

please pull in get the most recent git head and use 'cmugadget' as the format.

I've made a few changes regarding input file formats recently, made them a lot smarter (it will now deal with single/double precision and 8byte/4byte ids automatically), but haven't update the documents. I also added an example in examples/ directory.
