The iterator protocol in Python is the basis for async calls. I'd like to add support to this.
We need to elevate the integer interface to an object based iterator interface. Probably need to add a new basic type for iterators; then there will be subtypes for list, dict, string, and everything else.
The cur variable in a dict shall probably be moved out to that iterator.
To support generator / yield, the grammar needs to be modified. We need a way to mark a function as a generator. Detecting yield may work. Then we need to modify the codegen to create a generator object when the code is executed. Not sure how yet. Get the iterator done first.
The iterator protocol in Python is the basis for async calls. I'd like to add support to this.
We need to elevate the integer interface to an object based iterator interface. Probably need to add a new basic type for iterators; then there will be subtypes for list, dict, string, and everything else.
The cur variable in a dict shall probably be moved out to that iterator.
To support generator / yield, the grammar needs to be modified. We need a way to mark a function as a generator. Detecting yield may work. Then we need to modify the codegen to create a generator object when the code is executed. Not sure how yet. Get the iterator done first.