rainyroads / twitter-saucenao

A Twitter bot that utilizes the SauceNao API to find the source of images or anime screencaps
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
256 stars 19 forks source link

Only works sometimes on Twitter #2

Closed Ereshkigal101 closed 4 years ago

Ereshkigal101 commented 4 years ago

Hey again! I've let it run for almost a day now and for some reason, it's just picking and choosing some images to give the source to. I've set it on a 5 minute delay in between checks so it doesn't eat up all the API checks. When it does skip a tweet, however, it says that "there's no downloadable media" when there's clearly an image there on the tweet.

rainyroads commented 4 years ago

Hey @Ereshkigal101,

Twitter's API is.. weird, sometimes. It shouldn't happen often, but sometimes the API will not return that a tweet has media content/images uploaded with it when it clearly does. I have no idea why, but this should be rare.

Can you provide some tweets where you've seen this error as a reference? If this is a frequent issue for you I'll see if I can escalate this as a bug report to Twitter and see why it's happening.

Ereshkigal101 commented 4 years ago

https://twitter.com/WaifusCentral/status/1271694165643071494?s=20 https://twitter.com/WaifusCentral/status/1271663940028846080?s=20 https://twitter.com/WaifusCentral/status/1271656340260339713?s=20 https://twitter.com/WaifusCentral/status/1271648786310365186?s=20

There's a few that haven't had any reply. (Heads up btw, most are NSFW)

rainyroads commented 4 years ago

Yeah, Twitter isn't returning any media content for those tweets.

  "created_at": "Sat Jun 13 06:41:30 +0000 2020",
  "id": 1271694165643071494,
  "id_str": "1271694165643071494",
  "text": "//   New Hentai Order (18+)   //\\n\\ud83c\\udf39https://t.co/0Zl3OUmnEF\\ud83c\\udf39\\n#Hentai #Lewd #NSFW\\n\\ud83c\\udf3a@JevanaRena\\n\\ud83d\\udc9e@KittyPervert\\n\\ud83c\\udf3a\\u2026 https://t.co/QRuy53Yxc0",
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There should be a media dict in the entities or extended_entities property here that contains the image included in the Tweet, but there isn't anything returned by the official API.

I'm not sure why this happens but I'll look into it.

rainyroads commented 4 years ago

Actually.. this was pretty easy to figure out, lol. https://stackoverflow.com/a/40753183

Turns out this is a compatibility issue, and I just need to update the application to pass tweet_mode='extended' to mitigate the issue.

I believe the reason this normally is a rare issue is because the bug only presents itself when tweets are over 140 characters in length, as that's when the default "compatibility" mode kicks in, and apparently this breaks media embed for some reason when that happens. Even though media embeds have nothing to do with Tweet length, lol. http://docs.tweepy.org/en/latest/extended_tweets.html

I'll have this fixed in a commit shortly.

Ereshkigal101 commented 4 years ago

Hey once again, it still seems to be having this issue, it's been doing it for EVERY single tweet that's been put out on my twitter page since launching it an hour and a half ago (4 in total). I'll obviously keep it going but just wanted to let you know that it's still happening.

rainyroads commented 4 years ago

@Ereshkigal101 Sorry about that! Can you update to the latest commit and try again?

Ereshkigal101 commented 4 years ago

Of course, thanks for being awesome by the way! Lemme try it right now

Ereshkigal101 commented 4 years ago

Alright... well the media bug is gone supposedly, but now there's a new one to replace it lol. This time, it's giving me the error: WindowsTerminal_xi9T4WSiQ9

rainyroads commented 4 years ago

Alright... well the media bug is gone supposedly, but now there's a new one to replace it lol. This time, it's giving me the error: WindowsTerminal_xi9T4WSiQ9

Alright, so when using extended_mode, tweet.text is replaced by tweet.full_text. The Twitter API annoys me, lol.

Patched this now, hopefully that's the last thing.

Ereshkigal101 commented 4 years ago

Let's hope so! Thanks again for all the help, I'll follow up on how it's doing when I wake up.

Ereshkigal101 commented 4 years ago

Looks like it worked pretty well while I slept! It's not giving sauce to like 1 tweet every here and there, but for the most part it's working! Thanks for the help! ^.^

rainyroads commented 4 years ago

Awesome, I'm glad to hear it! Let me know if any other issues pop up