rairprotocol / rair-dapp

Source code for RAIRprotocol ecosystem
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Add support for ERC20 batching sending from csv #8

Closed rairprotocol closed 1 month ago

rairprotocol commented 2 months ago

Example TBD

Date | User | Amount | 0x Address 9/1/2024 | Person 1 | 10000 | 0xf3FC93b77A1A39610aa800734dfD017Ca293e53d 9/1/2024 | Person 2 | 20000 | 0xf3FC93b77A1A39610aa800734dfD017Ca293e53d

rairprotocol commented 2 months ago

Basic mockup.

Decided to do onchain only part first and you can query the block explorers to pull current token allocation data and don't need to sync with db. Also syncing user balance is one call per individual wallet so will clog up RPC.

ERC20 tool