raisely / NoHarm

Do No Harm software license - A licence for using software for good
394 stars 42 forks source link

Get legal advice #56

Open chrisjensen opened 5 years ago

chrisjensen commented 5 years ago


Ideally, before hitting a v1.0 of the license, we would get legal advise on the wording of the license and aspects of copyright law.

As this is currently a volunteer project, we'd need to find pro-bono help for this.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Updated for transparency :)

Hello @chrisjensen, I would recommend looking at the American Bar Association for pro-bono help (in the US's jurisdiction, I don't know if they are qualified to give advice in Intl jurisdiction). Personally, I see that an "ethical source" license is badly needed in the midst of certain global events (e.g. Russo-Ukraine conflict, etc.). I was just looking at the project's v1 milestone, and it's 3+ years overdue. I'm curious why there's not much action going on here.

Edit: Try International Assistance for Intl legal help (pro-bono too).

tommaitland commented 1 year ago

@IRod22 We agree that a license such as this is badly needed, and the milestones are quite overdue. We haven't been able to spent a lot of time moving this forward, but also the license has been slowly gaining momentum over that time. 350 stars now!

We'd be happy for some help. If you or others want to assist with open issues such as this one, we'd welcome the help.

ghost commented 1 year ago

The only other thing I can recommend to the team and contributors is to reduce (ideally eliminate) any and all ambiguity. If you look at the link I posted on PR #74. The left sidebar may contain extra info/tips.

ghost commented 1 year ago

The only reliable resource that I could find is a WikiHow article about drafting a license. If you head to the Expert Q&A, you can ask an expert that may be able to find a pro bono lawyer that can serve international jurisdiction. I would avoid "Lawyers With Out Borders" because it looks like they only serve select areas.

If someone else plans on asking the experts a question on the matter, I would prefer that you comment that you're asking below, so no toes will not be stepped on. I will see what I can do by the end of this week.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Alright. I sent the following question to the Q&A above:

Where can I find a pro bono lawyer that is qualified for international jurisdiction?

I'll let everyone know when I get a response as soon as possible. Sorry for the late send; I lost track of time on this.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Okay, I know it has only been one business day, or two to three calendar days, since I sent the question to the experts on WikiHow, but I'm feeling that we need a plan B; the reason being that, before I ran into NoHarm, I tried to ask a question on that same Q&A, but I still have not got an answer from the experts. I think we need to ask for assistance from other connections. If any of our fellow devs, or outside readers, know any pro-bono lawyers they use in case of litigation, tell them the @raisely core team and I would appreciate the extra help (I'll still keep looking when I have the extra time, but I think I've exhausted all of my options). The tricky part is the jurisdiction: as NoHarm is an international license, it will need to either at best, be reviewed by a lawyer in int'l jurisdiction if that's even a thing, or at worst, we will need it to be reviewed by multiple lawyers from different jurisdictions.

Now that I think about it, I'm starting to wonder if any other OSS license creators could help out here. I'll try to contact @mozilla about their MPL, but we may also need the help of GNU (FSF) and @mit with their experience on writing their respective licenses.

ghost commented 1 year ago

It's been a seven calendar days (four business days) since I asked on the Q&A, and I think we need help from other devs.

Does anyone know a pro-bono lawyer to ask for legal advice? If so, the @raisely core team and I would prefer a reply to this comment with a way to contact them.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I just finished sending an email to Mozilla (licensing@mozilla.org) with the following message:

Hello there, I would like to ask a question about the creation and revision process of the Mozilla Public License. More specifically, I would like to ask about where Mozilla gets the MPL reviewed from a legal expert. Raisely, which is an organization that I have contributed code to, is drafting its Do No Harm license, but it needs help with getting legal advice before the license is published. More information and the discussion can be found here.

Thank you, Ivan Rodriguez.

They might ask to discuss with a Raisely representative about finding a lawyer, but I will let you all know who they wish to discuss with.