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Can we change the coefficient of joint friction in c++ ? #462

Closed romansabaek closed 1 year ago

romansabaek commented 1 year ago

Hi, Can we change the coefficient of "joint friction and damping" in c++? In the link below, I saw Raisim provides the function to change the 'rotorinertia'. But I am curious if we can set the joint stiffness and damping parameter in c++.

FYI: link (https://raisim.com/sections/ArticulatedSystem.html)

jhwangbo commented 1 year ago

getSprings will return nonconst ref and you can change it in anyway you want. You can use setJointDamping to set the joint damping.

Joint friction is not implemented in Raisim now. It creates discontinuous maping which can make the system vibrating. I am still investigating the best way to do this.