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Visualizer error: System.OverflowException when loading in Mujoco xml files #487

Open Jasons1u opened 1 year ago

Jasons1u commented 1 year ago

Hello, I was running into an error when loading in Mujoco xml file for Agility Robotics' Digit. I tried loading in both Raisim and RaisimGym and both loaded in the terminal but provided the same error in the visualizer. However, I think the model was able to train in RaisimGym but only having troubles in the visualizer. I have tested my laptop and it was able to train the anymal example with the visualizer and load in urdf files. Please let me know what you think. Thank you in advance!

##############Error Message###################### image

##############Code for Raisim###################### // This file is part of RaiSim. You must obtain a valid license from RaiSim Tech // Inc. prior to usage.

include "raisim/World.hpp"

include "raisim/RaisimServer.hpp"

if WIN32



int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { auto binaryPath = raisim::Path::setFromArgv(argv[0]); raisim::World::setActivationKey(binaryPath.getDirectory() + "\rsc\activation.raisim");

if WIN32

timeBeginPeriod(1); // for sleep_for function. windows default clock speed is 1/64 second. This sets it to 1ms.


raisim::World world(binaryPath.getDirectory()+"\..\..\rsc\digit\digit-v3.xml"); raisim::RaisimServer server(&world); auto digit = static_cast<raisim::ArticulatedSystem*>(world.getObject("base")); std::vector name=digit->getMovableJointNames(); std::cout<<"Movable Joints: "<<name[36]<<" "<<name[24]<<std::endl;

Eigen::VectorXd jointNominalConfig(digit->getGeneralizedCoordinateDim()), jointVelocityTarget(digit->getDOF()); jointVelocityTarget.setZero(); jointNominalConfig << -0.0078, 0.0, 1.0283, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, .0, // 7 0.314370, -0.036239, 0.320410, // 3 left-hip roll, pitch, yaw 0.985, -0.000, 0.003, 0.174, // U 4 (3) 0.358137, // 1 left-knee -0.0129, -0.3284, -0.0116, // U 3 left-shin, left-tarsus, left-heel-spring, -0.153398, // 1 left-toe-A 0.997, 0.0, 0.0, 0.078, // U 4 (3) left left rod 0.109565, // 1 left-toe-B 0.999, 0.0, 0.0, -0.052, // U 4 (3) left right rod 0.1266, -0.0486, // U 2 left-toe-pitch, left-toe-roll, -0.151641, 1.082777, 0.000251, -0.141862, // 4 left-shoulder-roll, left-shoulder-pitch, left-shoulder-yaw, left-elbow

                        -0.316144, 0.034360, -0.305382,
                        0.985, -0.000, 0.003, -0.174,
                        0.0129, 0.3285, 0.0116,                        
                        0.998, 0.0, 0.0, -0.070,                        
                        0.999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.052, -0.1251, 0.0483,
                        0.150400, -1.102539, -0.000020, 0.140987;

Eigen::VectorXd jointPgain(digit->getDOF()), jointDgain(digit->getDOF()); int nJoints = digit->getDOF() - 6; std::cout<<nJoints<<std::endl;

jointPgain.setZero(); jointDgain.setZero(); jointPgain.tail(48).setConstant(100); jointDgain.tail(48).setConstant(100);

for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { jointPgain.tail(nJoints)[i+3]=0; jointPgain.tail(nJoints)[i+7]=0; jointPgain.tail(nJoints)[i+11]=0; jointPgain.tail(nJoints)[i+27]=0; jointPgain.tail(nJoints)[i+31]=0; jointPgain.tail(nJoints)[i+35]=0;


for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { jointPgain.tail(nJoints)[i+15]=0; jointPgain.tail(nJoints)[i+39]=0;


digit->setGeneralizedCoordinate(jointNominalConfig); digit->setPdGains(jointPgain, jointDgain); digit->setPdTarget(jointNominalConfig, jointVelocityTarget); digit->setName("digit"); Eigen::VectorXd gc, gv; gc.setZero(digit->getGeneralizedCoordinateDim()); gv.setZero(digit->getDOF());

server.launchServer(); for (int i=0; i<10000000; i++) { world.integrate(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(size_t(1000 * world.getTimeStep()))); } server.killServer(); }

##############Training image for RaisimGym###################### image

jhwangbo commented 1 year ago

The issue is that our mjcf reader is not exactly the same as the MuJoCo one. I will try to improve the reader in the next push. I recommend converting the file to URDF. There must be a converter available online