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How to get imu data in raisim #488

Closed MrCCaesar closed 1 year ago

MrCCaesar commented 1 year ago

I want to use imu data in my project.But I don't konw how to get imu measurement.I have add

<link name="ti_660">
    <sensor name="imu" type="imu" update_rate="400">
      <origin rpy="0.0 0.0 0.0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
      <limit acc_limit="50" ang_vel_limit="40"/>

<joint name="pelvic_imu" type="fixed">
      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
      <parent link="pelvic" />
      <child link="ti_660" />

in my urdf file.And i find out I can use robot->getSensors() method to get a unorderedmap of sensors, one of them named ti_660:imu, but i can't find any method in the second object,type std::shared_ptr to get linear acceleration or angular velocity. And in this link https://github.com/raisimTech/raisimLib/blob/master/raisim/linux/include/raisim/sensors/InertialMeasurementUnit.hpp, I found there is a imu class. so I tried

raisim::InertialMeasurementUnit::ImuProperties imuProp;
imuProp.maxAcc = 100;
imuProp.maxAngVel = 100;
imuProp.name = "ti660";
imuProp.noiseType = imuProp.stringToNoiseType("gaussian");
imuProp.mean = 0.0;
imuProp.std = 0.01;
raisim::InertialMeasurementUnit imu(imuProp, robot.get(), Eigen::Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.72), Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity());


But i got acceleration and angular velocity are always zero. What should be the right way to get imu measurements in raisim? Thanks.

jhwangbo commented 1 year ago

did you check out the sensor.cpp example?

MrCCaesar commented 1 year ago

Thanks, that works