Closed Lr-2002 closed 1 year ago
What's more ,the info ouput as below
0th body: base_link
1th body: lk2
2th body: lk3
3th body: lk5
0th frame: ROOT
1th frame: r1
2th frame: world_to_leg
3th frame: r2
4th frame: r3
5th frame: r_1
6th frame: r_2
0th body: ROOT
Could you help me PlZ
problem solved
the first link must use world
for its name which is same with ROS must use base_link
for its first link's name
But could you add an exception on the raisim? I've seeken for it for about 1day
ok, this makes sense. Thx for posting. I'll update it on the next push
I'll keep it open so I don't get
But it's very interesting
If you use the example a1, it still works while the a1.urdf has world
in xacro part , which was the annotation part?
Does the annotation still work?
<!-- <xacro:include filename="$(find aliengo_gazebo)/launch/gazebo.xacro"/> -->
<!-- Debug mode will hung up the robot, use "true" or "false" to switch it. -->
<!-- <xacro:if value="$(arg DEBUG)">
<link name="world"/>
<joint name="base_static_joint" type="fixed">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
<parent link="world"/>
<child link="base"/>
</xacro:if> -->
that looks like a valid convention to me. It will work
I'm using the raisim to show my urdf model on Ubuntu with raisimUnity. The urdf was written by myself . The Ros could show the model correctly while the RaisimUnity has no image.
This is the urdf model:
This is the image running ROS
This is image generated by raisimUnity
The file to run the robot is as below: