raithos / xwing

Squad builder for the X-Wing Miniatures game by Fantasy Flight Games.
MIT License
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Second Delta-7 miniature listed as owned in dropdown menu #1196

Closed lemonadesunshine365 closed 2 years ago

lemonadesunshine365 commented 2 years ago

I noticed that the Delta-7B is displayed as an available miniature in my collection while I have the standard Delta-7 already included in my squadron and vice versa. As I only have a single Delta-7 miniature in my collection, the other Delta-7 variant should be displayed in the red missing item text in the dropdown menu. Screenshot (1)

raithos commented 2 years ago

this is a limitation of the system we use, the 7 and 7b are considered discreet different objects so we have to consider them separate ships even though they use the same model. I could create a unique workaround but it doesnt seem worth it at this time until we run into a situation were another ship has a completely different loadout but uses the same model.