raitonoberu / sptlrx

Synchronized lyrics in your terminal
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Any plans to support FreeBSD? #32

Closed duckyondiscord closed 6 months ago

duckyondiscord commented 7 months ago

(Or *BSD if that's easily doable) Currently it doesn't build on FreeBSD because the mpris source files are only for Linux, Windows, and Darwin. I was wondering if there were any plans to support BSDs in there, in theory they should be similar or even the same as Linux.

raitonoberu commented 7 months ago

Hello, @duckyondiscord. I don't know anything about FreeBSD, but after a quick googling I found out that it also uses D-Bus (source). So the same implementation as in Linux should work here as well. You should be able to compile it by simply renaming mpris_linux.go to mpris_freebsd.go. As for providing the "official" binaries, first of all I want confirmation that this actually works :)

duckyondiscord commented 7 months ago

Hello, @duckyondiscord. I don't know anything about FreeBSD, but after a quick googling I found out that it also uses D-Bus (source). So the same implementation as in Linux should work here as well. You should be able to compile it by simply renaming mpris_linux.go to mpris_freebsd.go. As for providing the "official" binaries, first of all I want confirmation that this actually works :)

Sure thing, I'll try and report back!

duckyondiscord commented 7 months ago

image @raitonoberu I am pleased to say that it just works, so you just need to make a copy of mpris_linux.go and name it mpris_freebsd.go :D

duckyondiscord commented 7 months ago

Other BSDs will probably also work but that still needs testing :p

raitonoberu commented 7 months ago

Great. Next release will contain binaries for FreeBSD. I will add support for other BSDs as well, but their users will compile it themselves.

duckyondiscord commented 7 months ago

On second thought I'll reopen this until it gets implemented as to not confuse people