raitonoberu / sptlrx

Synchronized lyrics in your terminal
MIT License
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Couldn't create client: invalid cookie provided #6

Closed Gcat101 closed 2 years ago

Gcat101 commented 2 years ago

I copied my cookie exactly like the instruction said and I got: Couldn't create client: invalid cookie provided

raitonoberu commented 2 years ago

Hello @Gcat101! Please make sure that your cookie looks like this: sp_t=dc958f46698dbf32e7f5b0b84b3o5fce; sp_dc=AQD3W6rxgiHyaqFVY6qheH3nXzAzRWwHKvMPtPYdkRK9Z4A; sp_key=f6924e76-3345-23f6-a7c5-54sd230f11c3; <other fields>. It should contain these 3 fields: sp_t, sp_dc and sp_key. You probably copied the wrong field (or forgot to log in). If not, I have no idea😕

Gcat101 commented 2 years ago

there are no sp_dc and sp_key fields

raitonoberu commented 2 years ago

These fields may be missing if you are not logged into the Spotify web client.

Or you may be copying the wrong field. There is one called set-cookie - not what we want:


If so, scroll down to the Request Headers and copy the cookie field.


I know the setup is a bit complicated, but there is no other way. Hope this helps.

Gcat101 commented 2 years ago

It turns out I wasn't logged in. Sorry!