rajeshrinet / pyross

PyRoss: inference, forecasts, and optimised control of epidemiological models in Python. github.com/rajeshrinet/pyross
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Using PyRoss for a vaccination model #39

Closed ahb48 closed 3 years ago

ahb48 commented 3 years ago


I would like to use your PyRoss modelling code to implement an SEIRV model to do some inference on vaccination strategies and the reopening of schools.

As far as I’m aware, a vaccination class (where individuals can still become infected) does not seem to be readily implementable. Is this the case at present – i.e. there cannot be more than one “susceptible” class?

I was hoping you could tell me how easy this would be to either implement myself using PyRoss or whether this is something your group have been working on to include in the code but it has not yet been released?

Thanks in advance, Abby

ppietzonka commented 3 years ago

Hi Abby,

Thank you for your interest in PyRoss. Well spotted, the official version of PyRoss allows in the model specification of the Spp class only a single susceptible class. This is indeed a limitation when it comes to building models for vaccinations.

We are therefore developing a new class, dubbed Xpp, that allows for arbitrary susceptible classes. There, one specifies for an infection term not only the infectious class but also the relevant susceptible class. This works well so far, however, the feature is not yet properly documented and therefore hidden in the branch Xpp of the PyRoss project (https://github.com/rajeshrinet/pyross/tree/Xpp). You can switch to this branch and recompile PyRoss. I have just uploaded an example notebook with vaccinations (https://github.com/rajeshrinet/pyross/blob/Xpp/examples/stochastic/ex10-Xpp_vaccinations.ipynb), I hope the Xpp class will be self-explaining there.

We plan to merge Xpp soon into the master branch.

Wishing you success with your project, Patrick

ahb48 commented 3 years ago

Hi Patrick,

Thanks very much. I think this will probably work well.

All the best, Abby

rajeshrinet commented 3 years ago

Hi Abby,

We have now merged the Xpp branch to the master branch. The class Xpp has been renamed to Model. Please find included below links to updated example notebooks,

Best, Rajesh

ahb48 commented 3 years ago

Hi Rajesh,

Thanks very much. This will be very useful!

Best, Abby