rajincse / Multifaceted

Implementation in Perspectives of Marion Dork's Visualization.
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Integration with Eye Tracker #10

Closed rajincse closed 10 years ago

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 51


Initial files uploaded

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 52


1.EyeTrackObject detector added to the imdb Viewer

  1. Confirmation added for changing view
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 55


EyeTrack PivotElement detector class added.

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 56


  1. EyeTrackViewer interface added
  2. the gaze point is received properly with respect to screen points.
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 58


Show Gaze Property added

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 60


Process Screen point method added.

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 61


  1. Decay factor is changed to 0.05
  2. Selection score is 0.6
  3. The fixation data is also captured.
  4. distance method is added to PivotLabel
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 62


Result Saving option added for user study