rajincse / Multifaceted

Implementation in Perspectives of Marion Dork's Visualization.
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Integrate Animated PivotPath Diagram #18

Closed rajincse closed 9 years ago

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Integrate Animated PivotPath Diagram developed by Dr. Radu Jianu.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 105


PivotPathViewer added

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 106


Animated PivotPath Viewer is integrated with IMDB data.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 107


Unwanted imports are removed.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 109


The interactions are integrated. InfoBit class gets a new member: value. Things to do:

  1. Fix the movie element as they are unequally distributed.
  2. The director fonts should be a little bit bigger and color should be different than genre.
  3. Implement the eye tracker as every element's score would be displayed by the side as a debug info.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 110



"Fix the movie element as they are unequally distributed." Removed x += w/2; y += h/2;
from MainInfoBitGroup

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 111


Data related bug is fixed. PivotPath data class is used.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 112


Multiline movie title added

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 113


EyeTrack score is visible to each element

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 114


The same color bug is fixed.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 115


The Movie Infobit score is getting as like actor and director

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 116


The rectangle to gaze point score method is based on the border of the rectangle

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 117


Intelligent gaze score formula changed: score = G(d,0,sigma) * sqrt(2*PI)

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 118


The director label is increased and genre is decreased.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 119


The distance to the rectangle is calculated in the screen space

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 121


The integrated probability is added to the score.

  1. score = gazeScore * probability
  2. The previous element is some list of items which may be viewed with max probability
  3. based on the previous element the current element will have a list of probability and based on that max probability will be used.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 122


Bugs fixed

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 123


Gaze score formula changed to gs =exp( - d^2/ 2sigma^2)

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 124


  1. timer is deactivated for debug. The saveScore info calledfrom gaze detected.
  2. The recent elements are top elements
  3. The top elements colors are visible in show gaze on.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 125



  1. View image is resized
  2. Movie and genre selection disabled
  3. PivotPathViewer interface added to GeneralPivotPath
  4. Score is saved in timer.
  5. Results are being saved.
  6. Mouse coordinates are temporary disabled.
  7. CallSaveView implemented.


  1. Null pointer try catch added at Spline code
  2. render debug added.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 126


Views are being saved correctly

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 130


zoomOut problem aparently fixed.

  1. Stored gazeScore, probability accessible for eye tracker item
  2. 3 type previous element added: original, gaze and probability
  3. Mouse Gaze property added to propagate gaze as mouse click.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 131


The previous element logic reverted. Only product score is considered.

The zoomOut problem exists.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 132


  1. Gaze calculation is the gausssian distribution. ( x- u) = distance, sigma = gazeCircle radius
  2. Score = ContributedGazeScore * LevitatedProability ContributedGazeScore = gazeScore / SumOfGazeScoreOfTopGazeScoreElements LevitatedProability = ProbabilityOfRange [0.5 ,1]

zoomOut Problem apparently looks solved. ( With Virtual eyetracker) Need to test with real eye tracker.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 134


From Dr. Radu Jianu: ' Or average all gaze scores for a node (just the the gaze scores not the overall scores) in the last 100 or 200 milliseconds'

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 135


Bug fixed: The movie id is getting recorded

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 136


  1. The gazescore is normalized before calculating contributions
  2. The levitated probability equation changed
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 138


  1. Only original score is kept for previous element calculation
  2. Levitation bound for probability is set to 0.2
  3. StateActions are saved in the previous iteration.
  4. Self type rules are added.
  5. Heatmap color code logic changed. Rank to score now.
  6. Gaze is accumulated based on history.
  7. The contributing gaze is calculated.
  8. Average gaze score related bug fixed.
  9. State Action related bug fixed.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 139


Calculating average gaze score method is optimized ( Don't need to calculate indices for every element)

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 142


Element hovering probability included

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 143


Probability table updated

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 144


  1. Probabilities changed to round figures
  2. Each infobit contains a flag called isConnectionHovered. Which Means is any of the connection of the bit is hovered or not.
  3. RenderDebug is separated from Render method
  4. ForceContainer render moved to RenderDebug
  5. On Mouse move the Hovering info is passed to the ViewerInterface.
  6. Star Rating label is of format MovieNam:Rating
  7. The width of the star rating is fixed.
  8. Save View and IsRenderDebugOn items added to the PivotPath Viewer.
  9. The Bottom region is pushed down to fix the rippling effect.
  10. Element gets colors on score <=1
  11. Info's are saved: zoom and hovered.
  12. The view saving image is 1200 X 1200 now.
  13. Antialiasing is turned on.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 145


Hover related bug fixed

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 146


  1. Mouse click data is saved.
  2. Element info is anchored as "Eye"
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 147


zoom is limited to level 0.6

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 148


Probability control is added