rajincse / Multifaceted

Implementation in Perspectives of Marion Dork's Visualization.
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Add Star Rating as InfoBit #21

Closed rajincse closed 9 years ago

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Enhancement from #18

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 140


  1. New type STAR RATING added
  2. Draw Axis method added to Util for debugging
  3. Every InfoBit might have an array of additional infobits.
  4. MAJOR CHANGE: every movie info bit is now drawn as top left corner is the x,y of the group. Relevan changes to mouseHover, EdgeAnchor and GazeScore calculation is done.
  5. MainInfo bit is drawn as: i. translate to group x, y ii. Rotate to R iii. draw the elements with relevant height differences.
  6. Star Rating Label Info bit added with coupling with MovieInfoBit
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 141


  1. Star Rating state and action is added
  2. Probability table is changed. For every Movie probabilty, 80% to movie and 20% to star.
  3. For self loop the star refers to movie.
  4. Colors are set in util.
  5. Mouse hover and gaze score bug fixed for multiline labels.
  6. Hovering for Star rating is introduced.