rajincse / Multifaceted

Implementation in Perspectives of Marion Dork's Visualization.
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Change Movie Searching #23

Closed rajincse closed 9 years ago

rajincse commented 9 years ago

I don't how computatiuonally intensive this is. If it's not feasible then do the following. Query for all movies of the director or M. Query for all the movies of first,second, third, fourth, and fifth actors in M. Then look at overlaps just within these movies.

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 151


Searching movie implemented based on the overlaping

rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 152


  1. Movie element is now can be selected for transition
  2. The time stamp added after click
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 153


  1. Whenever gaze, hover, mouseclick and mouse move detected its saved.
  2. Mouse position timer removed.
  3. The viewport image is saved.
  4. viewport space location is saved.
  5. Zoom is added at the end of the image file.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 154


  1. Debug controls hidden
  2. The Scores are saved on each sample of gaze now.
  3. Search actor is now a POption.
rajincse commented 9 years ago

Completed: At revision: 155


  1. Probability Disabling incorporated
  2. callSaveView removed from animation complete
  3. Hoverdetected done after render
  4. Image Event added
  5. When probability is disabled then probability scores are -1
  6. image file name removed from other events
  7. SaveView is done only in MouseDragged and HoverChanged.