rajincse / Multifaceted

Implementation in Perspectives of Marion Dork's Visualization.
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IMDB Pivot Path Diagram #5

Closed rajincse closed 10 years ago

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 12


  1. Perspectives library updated.
  2. Initial PivotPath diagram implemented for IMDB Viewer
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 15


  1. Layout related code transfered to PivotPathLayout
  2. instead of compute repulsion, compute label repulsion is added.
  3. The spring length is increased to 750 to give more space.
  4. Repulsion coefficient moved down to -500.
  5. The label repulsion is done by imagining 4 points on the boundary of the label and working as a repulsive object.
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 16


The parameter values are read from public static final variables.

rajincse commented 10 years ago

To do :

  1. First, as in the original pivot paths, you need to group actors that are in the same movie and are not shared with any other movies on top of each other. For such cases I would create a single layout node and multiple labels for it.
  2. Second, the layout algorithm has to be tweaked so that elements overlap less. You need to either increase the strength of the repulsive for long names (maybe just the x component of the force?),or somehow compute the distance between points from their boundaries rather than from their center points. So probably the nodes need to also have a bounding rect not just a location.
  3. Deal with long movie names or actor names. If an actor or movie name label is short (e.g. brad pitt) otherwise truncate to some length (15 char for actors, 30 for movie names?). Display actor names as brad pitt rather than pitt, brad.
  4. We want to show ratings somehow differently. Maybe as a number followed by a little star icon (e.g. 3Star) under the movie label.
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 17


  1. For repulsion 2 coefficient added: strong for center and weak for boundary.
  2. Name is displayed as First<>Last name instead of Last,<>First.
  3. Searching can be done using First<>Last name format.
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 18


PivotLabel added to the Layout

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 19


  1. PivotElement added to PivotLayout code
  2. Override annotation removed from IMDBViewer
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 21


  1. Label list is removed.
  2. Actors with more edge have bigger text and bigger spring length.
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 25


The Layout is centered using random position in top and middle layout

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 26


Init method added to the PivotPathLayout

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 27


The top and bottom elements in the pivot layout is placed closed to the same X of the middle element.

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 28


Code optimization used for removing indexOf method at initialization.

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 29


SourceIndex and Destination Index is saved at PivotEdge

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 30


The rating is viewed with a star icon

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 31


LayerList is removed from PivotPathLayout

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 32


Grouped Layout is added

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 33


Grouped Layout is fixed.

  1. Removed Element added to GroupedPivotElement
  2. For higher degree count the element is a different group
  3. MAX_SIMULATION count and speed is added to the viewer
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 34


The visualization changes on selection

rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 49


  1. Edge is drawn before the elements
  2. Bottom Element is more close
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 53


  1. lock variable used in select person
  2. Tool tip is given on the labels
  3. Middle element count reduced to 15.
  4. The label selection activated only by right click.
rajincse commented 10 years ago

Completed: At revision: 54


  1. Recentlly viewed item implemented
  2. Back button implemented