rakam-io / rakam-api

📈 Collect customer event data from your apps. (Note that this project only includes the API collector, not the visualization platform)
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Materialized views in postgres deployment do not update #64

Closed evelant closed 7 years ago

buremba commented 7 years ago

What's the error that you see?

evelant commented 7 years ago

When viewing a report

ERROR: materialized view "$materialized_segment_leavers" has not been populated Hint: Use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command.

If I open the report editor and click the "i" next to the materialized view the popup says

cache eviction duration PT5M
last updated at 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
buremba commented 7 years ago

Are you using the latest version in master?

evelant commented 7 years ago

I was using an outdated version. I just deployed the latest code from master and now have a different issue

Error while updating materialized table '(SELECT * from taskhero."$materialized_segment_leavers" UNION ALL SELECT "id" FROM (SELECT * FROM taskhero."_users" WHERE "_time" > to_timestamp(1495130635)) data WHERE (("last_active_at" - interval '7 days') < "signup_date") ) data': ERROR: column "$server_time" does not exist Position: 112
buremba commented 7 years ago

Yes, now we require all collections to have $server_time field, the column is automatically added for new collections but we need to add it to existing collections. Could you please run the following query on your Rakam database? Note that the snippet adds $server_time column to all tables. if you're using the same database for different applications, it might cause some problems.

do $$
    selectrow record;
for selectrow in
      'ALTER TABLE "'|| T.schemaname ||'"."'|| T.mytable || '" add column "$server_time" timestamp without time zone default (current_timestamp at time zone ''UTC'')' as script 
        select schemaname, tablename as mytable from pg_tables t where schemaname  != 'public' and schemaname != 'pg_catalog' 
and (select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_schema = t.schemaname and table_name = t.tablename and column_name = '$server_time')  = 0 
and tablename not like '$materialized%' and tablename != '_users' and schemaname != 'information_schema'
      ) t
execute selectrow.script;

end loop;
evelant commented 7 years ago

OK I ran the script. I also had to add $server_time to my '_users' table.

Now I am still having different issues

Error while updating materialized table '(SELECT * from taskhero."$materialized_segment_leavers" UNION ALL SELECT "id" FROM (SELECT * FROM taskhero."_users" WHERE "_time" > to_timestamp(1495132433)) data WHERE (("last_active_at" - interval '7 days') < "signup_date") ) data': ERROR: cannot change materialized view "$materialized_segment_leavers"

on some of my segments, on others

ERROR: relation "$materialized_segment_takers" does not exist Position: 178

When I can clearly see that the materialized view exists in the database. I have restarted my rakam instance and this still occurs.