rakarmp / DragonBoost

Qcom Up To 75%, Magisk/Ksu
MIT License
33 stars 5 forks source link

license question #8

Closed IzzySoft closed 6 months ago

IzzySoft commented 6 months ago

Thanks for providing your module with its code! Can you please say what license it is put under? If unsure, an overview for FOSS licenses can be found here. Ideally pick one that's approved as FOSS license by OSI/FSF. Thanks in advance!

rakarmp commented 6 months ago

Thanks for providing your module with its code! Can you please say what license it is put under? If unsure, an overview for FOSS licenses can be found here. Ideally pick one that's approved as FOSS license by OSI/FSF. Thanks in advance!

Thank you for contacting me about licensing. I am glad you are interested in my module. I have chosen to use the MIT license which is an open source license approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Free Software Foundation (FSF). You can find the full text of this license in the LICENSE file included in the repository. Hope this helps, and I hope you enjoy using and contributing to this module!

rakarmp commented 6 months ago

Maybe I've finished this issue, so I'll close this issue, thank you.

IzzySoft commented 6 months ago

Thanks, that looks fine! Last question: would you bother providing an update.json as well? Currently it's even impossible to construct the download URL from module.prop as there versionName has a suffix that's not part of the tag name. Dropping that TRYM suffix it would be possible using https://github.com/rakarmp/DragonBoost/releases/download/<versionName>/DragonBoost<versionName>.zip – but a proper update.json would be preferable :wink:

rakarmp commented 6 months ago

I will try, and sorry if I am late in responding, I lack tools, namely a laptop, because my laptop is damaged due to the disaster that befell me, so I am less productive from last year to today, I hope you understand.

IzzySoft commented 5 months ago

Sad to hear about disaster – my sympathies, and I hope your situation will improve soon!

Thanks for adding the update.json! Unfortunately, the zipURL gives an error 400 (guess the path lacks the branch?). Maybe that should rather be https://github.com/rakarmp/DragonBoost/raw/master/install.zip or, which also works, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rakarmp/DragonBoost/master/install.zip?

rakarmp commented 5 months ago

@IzzySoft I will try changing the path.

IzzySoft commented 5 months ago

Just saw you've edited the update.json, thanks – works now! Added your module to my Magisk Repo now, where it will show up in about an hour (with the next sync).

rakarmp commented 5 months ago

@IzzySoft Great to hear!,Thanks for adding my module to your Magisk Repo!"

IzzySoft commented 5 months ago

Updates will be pulled automatically (though currently still on irregular intervals; that repo-util used for this is still a bit shaky so I have to watch it, cannot yet put it to a cron job or the like).

rakarmp commented 5 months ago

@IzzySoft I understand, no problem. I appreciate your efforts to keep things up to date.