rakeshta / factorio-k2-steel-pipes

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Compatilibity issue with squeak-through-2 #6

Open Basili0 opened 1 week ago

Basili0 commented 1 week ago

When trying to start with both this mod and squeak-through-2, an error is raised: Error Util.cpp:81: Error while loading entity prototype "kr-steel-pipe" (pipe): PipeConnectionDefinition: position must be inside of entity bounding box. position={0.000, -0.199}, leftTop={-0.098, -0.098}, rightBottom={0.098, 0.098} Modifications: K2 Steel Pipes › Squeak Through 2

Is it possible to fix that? Squeak Through is a really nice QoL mod to have.

Basili0 commented 1 week ago

Tried adding squeak_behaviour = false to the kr-steel-pipe prototype, this causes another error - 'pipe' and 'kr-steel-pipe' must have same bounding box.