rakr / vim-two-firewatch

A blend between duotone light and firewatch for atom
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Accent MatchParen when cursor is not blinking. #14

Open shofel opened 6 years ago

shofel commented 6 years ago

I believe, this change is almost unopinionated, but just makes the things better :)

The Problem

When for MatchParen fg=syntax_bg, then block-shaped cursor becomes colored with bg_color, and becomes invisible. This makes "another" paren much more accented than "this" paren.


To fix this, I just swap bg and fg for MatchParen, which as for me, solves the problem.

Demo video

After watching the demo I've realized, the old variant looks better when the cursor is blinking.
For other cursor shapes (horizontal line, vertical line, non-blinking block) new version looks and feels a way better.

Demo file

 * Some parens to walk around.
let f = ([x, y, {z: za}]) => ({ xs: [x, y], za })

 * Vim commands to set different types of cursors (for neovim)

/* block */
set guicursor=n:block

/* blinking block */
set guicursor=n:block-blinkoff400-blinkon250

/* horizontal line */
set guicursor=n:hor100

/* vertical line */
set guicursor=n:ver100
luxmeter commented 5 years ago