raksha-life / rescuekerala

Website for coordinating rehabilitation of people affected in the Kerala Floods
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Once a request is logged on the request page, a confirmation SMS to be sent with contact info details for requested district #505

Open tusharpl opened 6 years ago

tusharpl commented 6 years ago

Subject of the issue

This is an enhancement.Now, once a request is raised on https://keralarescue.in/request/ , there is a web confirmation. However it will be more useful if there is also confirmation SMS which shows the contact numbers from the "Contact Info" page for the selected district. We know that not all people would be reaching out to all sources for help including this website. This will help them to try other numbers too while officials act on their request from https://keralarescue.in.

Your environment

Steps to reproduce

Log a request on https://keralarescue.in/request/ Submit it.

Expected behaviour

Currently a confirmation is shown on the web page.

Actual behaviour

An enhancement. An SMS could be sent with the relevant contact info numbers which would be useful.

haristech03 commented 6 years ago

This can be easily done using TextLocal. Create a Paid Account. Need an Email ID and Phone number. I think we can negotiate with them for this cause. Create an API Key. Call python API with the message, api key and numbers. Write Python script to receive the replies. If you have a contact I can work with for setting up accounts and integrating the scripts, please let me know I will work with that person. API to send messages

import urllib.request import urllib.parse

def sendSMS(apikey, numbers, sender, message): data = urllib.parse.urlencode({'apikey': apikey, 'numbers': numbers, 'message': message, 'sender': sender}) data = data.encode('utf-8') request = urllib.request.Request("https://api.textlocal.in/send/?") f = urllib.request.urlopen(request, data) fr = f.read() return (fr)

def main():

print("Sending messages") apiKey = 'xxxxx' numbers = 'xxxx' sender = 'TXTLCL' message = 'Please confirm if you are rescued' resp = sendSMS(apiKey,numbers,sender,message) print(resp) if name == 'main': main()

tusharpl commented 6 years ago

This seems to be a good idea about verifying through SMS . I am just testing some of the stuff on the website. You can reach one of devs probably @bobinson on slack.

Varnan commented 6 years ago

All the sms make it as shared task using celery .

Varnan commented 6 years ago

from celery import shared_task import requests @shared_task def send_sms_using_service(params): params['gateway'] = settings.SMS_GATEWAY headers = {'Authorization': settings.SMS_SERVICE_KEY} final_url = settings.SMS_SERVICE_URL try: resp = requests.post(final_url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers, timeout=5) return resp.text except requests.exceptions.Timeout: log.info("Sms attempt failed with timeout for {params}".format(params=params)) except Exception as e: log.info("Sms attempt failed with {e} for {params}".format(e=repr(e), params=params)) return "Sending SMS failed"

Varnan commented 6 years ago

Write a model save function for the Request model . Here I am using sinfini sms gateway .

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

    #Confirmation SMS using SINFINI
    if not self.id:
        district = self.district
        contact_numbers =  Volunteer.objects.filter(district=district).values_list('phone', 'flat=True')

        import requests

        help_line = ",".join(contact_numbers)

        message = "{district} district helpline numbers : {help_line} ".format(district=district, help_line=help_line)

        params = {"message": message, "sender": settings.SMS_SENDER, "gateway":settings.SMS_GATEWAY,
                    "event": "rescure_request", }

        headers = {'Authorization': settings.SMS_SERVICE_KEY}
        final_url = settings.SMS_SERVICE_URL 

            resp = requests.post(final_url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers, timeout=5)
            return resp.text
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            log.info("Sms attempt failed with timeout for {params}".format(params=params))
        except Exception as e:
            log.info("Sms attempt failed with {e} for {params}".format(e=repr(e), params=params))
        return "Sending SMS failed"

    super(Request, self).save(*args, **kwargs)