rakshasa / rtorrent

rTorrent BitTorrent client
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Help me understand "Modernized Configuration Template" #1064

Open eisengrau opened 3 years ago

eisengrau commented 3 years ago


I'm looking for a global option to set the base directory, out of the default home directory for each user, to something like /mnt/largedisk/ (and store the relevant data for each user of rtorrent under this).

As I understood, these options can be set from each users' ./.rtorrent.rc. But I don't want to do this for every existing user's config individually. Also, I would like to achieve that for every new user added, the modified default directory should already be set in it's config file that is created...

What I don't understand, is that there is this configuration template, that can be pulled from Github, and you can set all relevant baseline config, in my example the home directory from /home/$username/... to /mnt/largedisk/$username/... . But where does it need to be stored on the local system, from which all new user's configuration is based upon this template file? Do I need to edit an existing user's config, and copy it where? Is there a "global" .rtorrent.rc (in the root namespace) somewhere already that I can edit?

Thank you,

AndrePuls commented 3 years ago

these options can be set from each users' ./.rtorrent.rc Actually, rtorrent is looking for the config-file in the user's home directory: ~/.rtorrent.rc

And yes, by default, each user needs it's own file.

If you want to load a different one, you have to start rtorrent like this: rtorrent -o import=/path/to/.rtorrent.rc

However, I haven't found a way to use (bash-)variables, so something like: method.insert = cfg.basedir, private|const|string, (cat,"/mnt/largedisk/$USER/rtorrent/") will NOT work.

My suggestion: Use this line in your /path/to/global/.rtorrent.rc method.insert = cfg.basedir, private|const|string, (cat,"/mnt/largedisk/%%USER%%/")

and start rtorrent like this: cat /path/to/global/.rtorrent.rc | sed "s/%%USER%%/$USER/g" > ~/.rtorrent.rc ; rtorrent ; rm ~/.rtorrent.rc It may not be the most elegant solution, but it does what you want.

Does it help?