rakshasa / rtorrent

rTorrent BitTorrent client
GNU General Public License v2.0
4.05k stars 412 forks source link

Cannot open any .torrent file when .rtorrent.rc configed. #1132

Open Whisht opened 2 years ago

Whisht commented 2 years ago

I copy the config template as official wiki as :

curl -Ls "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/rakshasa/rtorrent/CONFIG-Template.md" \
    | sed -ne "/^######/,/^### END/p" \
    | sed -re "s:/home/USERNAME:$HOME:" >~/.rtorrent.rc
mkdir -p ~/rtorrent/

But then I cannot open any .torrent file. The interactive command line had no response when I typed some char. It shoud autocomplete the full file name. I Inputed the full name of *.torrent, and rtorrrent show Could not open file: *.torrent.