rakshasa / rtorrent

rTorrent BitTorrent client
GNU General Public License v2.0
4.05k stars 412 forks source link

Priority setting is ignored when applied to a label or multiple torrents at once #1245

Open holygamer opened 10 months ago

holygamer commented 10 months ago

There's a bug in rTorrent 0.9.8/0.13.8. When I start a torrent after setting it's label to Priority: Don't Download or I manually select a bunch of torrents and right-click on the selection then select Priority: Don't Download then the torrents still download and the priority setting is ignored. The only way to get it to use any priority setting is to select a single torrent then go to the Files tab and set the Priority setting there. However that would take a long time for over 1,000 torrents!

The reason for me wanting to do this is because I've moved my torrents from 1 seedbox to another with a different company and when re-adding thousands of torrent files I want the seed count to be accurate instead of showing zero seeds. I can then sort the torrents by the least seeds to prioritise which torrents to download before they run out of seeds.

Do you have a suggestion please for a way to do what I want until this is fixed?

kannibalox commented 10 months ago

It sounds like you're asking this question in regards to working with ruTorrent instead of the native UI, but luckily there is a way to do this with the built-in commands. All of these next commands are meant to be run from the Ctrl-X prompt in the native terminal UI.

This will set the priority to "off" for all files for all torrents:


If you wanted to just try turning off all items' priorities, you can do this instead:

# It can take a bit for the traffic to actually die down after after setting the priority, which is what you may have seen, so you can stop/start the torrents to force it to take effect.

If you don't have access to the terminal UI, there are programs like xmlrpc-c or pyrosimple's rtxmlrpc that will let you issue commands over the XMLRPC interface (full disclosure, I maintain pyrosimple).