Closed Bgs4269 closed 9 years ago
Does this happen on the latest version from github? Also, what distro and gcc version are you using?
On 03/09/2012 02:22 PM, Jari Sundell wrote:
Does this happen on the latest version from github? Also, what distro and gcc version are you using?
No, I compiled it from the 0.9.0 tarball. Should I try from the current snapshot?
Distro: Slackware64-current GCC: 4.5.3 (can try with 4.6.2 as well if needed)
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
Try the latest from github, use './configure --enable-debug' and compile with 'make check && make install'.
If the crash keeps happening, add these to your config file;
log.open_file = "rtorrent.log", (cat,/Users/rakshasa/tmp/rtorrent.log.,(
log.open_file = "torrent.log", (cat,/Users/rakshasa/tmp/torrent.log.,(
log.open_file = "tracker.log", (cat,/Users/rakshasa/tmp/tracker.log.,(
log.open_file = "rpc.log", (cat,/Users/rakshasa/tmp/rpc.log.,(
log.open_file = "connection.log", (cat,/Users/rakshasa/tmp/connection.log.,(
log.open_file = "socket.log", (cat,/Users/rakshasa/tmp/socket.log.,(
log.open_file = "storage.log", (cat,/Users/rakshasa/tmp/storage.log.,(
log.add_output = "debug", "rtorrent.log"
log.add_output = "torrent_debug", "torrent.log"
log.add_output = "tracker_debug", "tracker.log"
log.add_output = "rpc_debug", "rpc.log"
log.add_output = "connection_debug", "connection.log"
log.add_output = "socket_debug", "socket.log"
log.add_output = "storage_debug", "storage.log"
Just replace the dir with something else, tar them up and send them to my mail address.
Not enough information provided, closing.
autogen doesn't run: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_CPPUNIT If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. See the Autoconf documentation.
I'm also unable to reopen the ticket.... I get a 404 error.
You need to install cppunit to create the config scripts.
First results: libtorrent git 2012-03-19 rtorrent git 2012-03-18
The torrent file that crashed instantly 0.9.0 seems to work now. At least it doesn't crash on open. I will refer back in 1-2 days after a more thorough test period.
Update: No crashes since. One anomaly I found that might or might not be related is that sometimes, when starting a torrent, it complains about accessing/creating the directories and files. Sometimes I have to manually create them and reload the torrent.
I got the same error:
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
today with rTorrent version 0.9.2/0.13.2.
I believe I have some more info on this matter. As my torrent box has no hard drive (for silence reasons), I boot it from a pendrive and also download to another pendrive. Unfortunately pendrive tended to get very slow at times (it might be because of ntfs-3g or it is just too slow). Therefore I've changed the rtorrent directory to /dev/shm. I have got 4GB of RAM, so it makes for a default 2GB /dev/shm. I had forgotten that it is almost full when I ordered another file to download. It started normally, but halfway, I guess when /dev/shm got full, I got the error. Afterwords rtorrent would start normally with all torrents closed and would crash, with the same message, after starting any torrent. Everything was back to normal after I've deleted the unnecessary files from /dev/shm, at which point downloads resumed like nothing happened.
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
I've gotten the same error when the filesystem I write logs to fills up.
For anybody else experiencing this problem, the git repo should fix it, as stated above. However, you may need to remove legacy libtorrent and restart your machine.
After compiling libtorrent and rtorrent (latest), I was still getting these errors. It wasn't until I removed rtorrent and libtorrent-dev and rebooted my machine that I saw rtorrent working correctly.
Sorry to ping you about an old bug, but I thought it would be worth mentioning to future googlers.
Hey guys, I am running rtorrent on a raspberry pi (raspbian os) and have about 352 torrents seeding, only usually 0-10 active at any one time though. I have been getting this error pretty consistently for the last few months, I was originally running on 0.9.2, but recently completely reinstalled my system using the latest versions from git and am still getting this error.
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack rtorrent() [0x19bc4] /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ [0xb6ab9e60]
Error: Success Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address. Fault address: 0xb459fe40 The fault address is not part of any chunk. Aborted
I've got the logs suggested by rakshasa here (slightly edited to hide my private ids)
any help would be appreciated, let me know if you need any more information
Did you see my post above yours? Has that helped?
Also, why not pastebin your logs?
yeah, probably could have done pastebin, but i hit file size limits on some of the logs.
As i said, I did a fresh install on my system (backing up my rtorrent configs/torrents first) and only installed the latest git repos, so there shouldn't be any existing rtorrent/libtorrent on the system messing things up.
I can confirm that this happens with the latest pull on Oracle Linux. But not immediately, it runs for a while then stops.
-sh-4.1$ rtorrent Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack: rtorrent() [0x41386b] /lib64/ [0x7ffe7249e500] /lib64/ [0x7ffe72185903] /usr/lib/ [0x7ffe730c5b74] /usr/lib/ [0x7ffe73105e21] /usr/lib/ [0x7ffe731063fd] /usr/lib/ [0x7ffe731095a6] /usr/lib/ [0x7ffe731096f8] /usr/lib/ [0x7ffe7308d3c0] /usr/lib/ [0x7ffe7308d8ee] /usr/lib/ [0x7ffe730c42bc] rtorrent() [0x412b1f] /lib64/ [0x7ffe7211acdd] rtorrent() [0x40ecf9] Error: Success Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address. Fault address: 0x7ffe50e58000 The fault address is not part of any chunk. Aborted
I faced the same issue and apparently my disk was full. As soon as I freed some space rtorrent started normally.
My issue seems to have been that my hard drive was dying.. Bought a new drive and its working fine.
If you have this problem with external drives, look into sdparm
and hdparm
and how to prevent your disk from idleing or going into a power-save mode. This is especially problematic when dealing with WD or SeaGate HDD's.
I also have this issue. I compiled rtorrent and libtorrent from git, but it still crashes often (from 2 hours to 2 days after start). The drives passed the smartctl "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result", are configured with LVM as a single partition, and are 1 1/2 years old.
What else can I do to troubleshoot ?
Edit: Faulty drive... I had bad blocks. To check the drive /dev/sda, you can do a "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" and look up the errors.
My drives are also fine, checked smart status and ran a fsck. Not full either. rtorrent instantly crashes upon attempting to start it (I had 2 active torrents).
rob@universe ~ (master) $ rtorrent
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack:
rtorrent() [0x41369e]
/usr/lib/ [0x7f11441f4200]
/usr/lib/ [0x7f1142ba8213]
Error: Success
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
Fault address: 0x7f113b6ff000
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
[1] 17610 abort (core dumped) rtorrent
I am running 0.9.4
though. Should I start a new issue?
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack:
rtorrent() [0x414e78]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x6dfcdca1e030]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x6dfcdc7a6f28]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x6dfcde28ce9a]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x6dfcde2cfea7]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x6dfcde2cff20]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x6dfcde2d89d0]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x6dfcde256f4b]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x6dfcde256ff2]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x6dfcde28bd3c]
rtorrent() [0x414087]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x6dfcdc6a2eed]
rtorrent() [0x414785]
Error: Success
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
Fault address: 0x6dfcd7bfa229
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
I am also experiencing this. I just tried upgrading to latest rtorrent, and still getting the seg faults.
I have run smartctl and checked the drive has no problems, the drive is not full. At this point I have no idea what could be wrong.
Can we re-open this? Do you want me to post debug logs?
Well, it should be reponed :)
I deleted my session folder and the seg faults went away. Then I loaded some of the torrents that had previously been in the session (from newly-downloaded torrent files) and they came back. I have narrowed it down to relating to one of seven torrent files. Would these be of interest to the developer?
Narrow it to one :) and then developer will look at the torrent file which cause a crash.
I have the same problem as @benkloester. Problem is related to exact torrents. As @dolohow stated - it should be reopened.
Hello, I'm having the same problem I fixed it by deleting rtorrent.dht_cache. If you want the offending torrent I can send it to you. It happened between 0 and 2% through the download. If you need other details just ask. Sadely there is no core dump (it's only one byte big). So here's the info I've got: Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack: rtorrent() [0x41350c] /lib64/ [0x7f6b9efb5da0] /usr/lib64/ (+0x7a3f0) [0x7f6ba00793f0] /usr/lib64/ (+0xc7d0f) [0x7f6ba00c6d0f] /usr/lib64/ (+0xc7d80) [0x7f6ba00c6d80] /usr/lib64/ (+0xd0225) [0x7f6ba00cf225] /usr/lib64/ (_ZN7ztorrent9poll7performEv+0xcc) [0x7f6ba00410cc] /usr/lib64/ (_ZN7ztorrent9poll7do_pollEli+0x50) [0x7f6ba0041160] /usr/lib64/ (_ZN7ztorrent11thread_base10eventloopEPS0+0x96) [0x7f6ba0078896] rtorrent() [0x412700] /lib64/ (__libc_start_main+0xf5) [0x7f6b9ec2ab55 rtorrent() [0x412e14]
Error: Success Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address. Fault address is not part of any chunck. Aborted
I'm using gentoo lnux. gcc (Gentoo 4.8.4 p1.4, pie-0.6.1) 4.8.4 Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. rtorrent version 0.9.3 I don't see any seperate package for librtorrent. It was compiled with -O2 -marth=native -mmmx -msse -msse3 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -msse4.2 -mfsgsbase -mxsave -mxsaveopt -mpopcnt -mfxsr -msahf -minline-stringopts-dynamically All the above are execpt inline-string. and -O2 are turning on instructions that my cpu supports. I wish I could provide you with more info but I can't think of anything that I've not already given you. I hope you can fix this once and for all. Thanks
Could you send both the torrent + torrent.rtorrent + torrent.libtorrent_resume file and dht cache file (when confirmed to be crashing the client).
Also, try alternatively to delete torrent.rtorrent and torrent.libtorrent_resume to see if either causes the crashes to disappear. It might be a specific peer address stored in resume that is causing the issue.
I said earlier that I deleted the dht_cache file as in permenently (sorry). But I'd be happy to send you the other stuff plus the new dht cache file. I tried to wgetpaste it but no-one will take it, sugestions?
Just send it to
Please say something if you got it I just sent it.
Yeah, got it.
I had several segfaults from time to time with specific torrents. I've switched to transmission to check whether this is client issue. Transmission worked like a charm, but after changing my hdd to ssd I've given rtorrent one more chance - eveyrything works perfect till now. May rtorrent be far more sensitive about hdd errors?
May rtorrent be far more sensitive about hdd errors?
And kernel bugs, mmap is not as well tested as normal read/write file sockets.
Is there a place to improve or rather we have to accept this fact?
Well, there's no reason to believe that I have hardware errors, my hdd is fine and it's less then 6 months old. As for mmap or what not, I can't be sure, my kernel is version 3.18.11. glibc is 2.20-r2.
I got a similar error (SIGBUG) today, but it was due to my hard disk being full. After freeing up some space everything went back to the normal. So I don't think my issue was serious, just reporting it here to let you guys know.
@rakshasa I am also having a similar SIGBUS issue that @alcohol had:
1436032717 C Caught signal: 'Non-existent physical address.'.
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack:
rtorrent() [0x4129fc]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4a32ef1340]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4a31efbde9]
Error: Success
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
Fault address: 0x7f4a161fa000
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
I think I have isolated it to a particular torrent though. Should I send the libtorrent_resume
, .rtorrent
, and torrent
files your way? I'm on rtorrent 0.9.4.
I've done a couple of experiments, and it seems as though every time it's failing I'm getting similar info in the storage logs, down to the final indices it is processing before the SIGBUS occurs. Good thing the logs are timestamped or you'd not be able to tell the difference =P
1436037269 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_torrent: Received chunk done: index:725.
1436037269 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_torrent: Queue: position:736 outstanding:10 try_quick:0.
1436037269 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Get: index:736 flags:0x4.
1436037269 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Get: index:736 flags:0x2.
1436037269 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Release: index:736 flags:0.
1436037269 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_queue: Adding index:736 to queue.
1436037269 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Release: index:725 flags:0x4.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_queue: Passing index:726 to owner: 4165F1FFEF7BA04689C6DB4930F1FD7A8EF1E9C2.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->file_list: Done chunk: index:726.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_torrent: Received chunk done: index:726.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_torrent: Queue: position:737 outstanding:10 try_quick:0.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Get: index:737 flags:0x4.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Get: index:737 flags:0x2.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Release: index:737 flags:0.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_queue: Adding index:737 to queue.
1436037274 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Release: index:726 flags:0x4.
1436032704 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_torrent: Received chunk done: index:725.
1436032704 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_torrent: Queue: position:736 outstanding:10 try_quick:0.
1436032704 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Get: index:736 flags:0x4.
1436032704 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Get: index:736 flags:0x2.
1436032704 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Release: index:736 flags:0.
1436032704 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_queue: Adding index:736 to queue.
1436032704 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Release: index:725 flags:0x4.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_queue: Passing index:726 to owner: 4165F1FFEF7BA04689C6DB4930F1FD7A8EF1E9C2.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->file_list: Done chunk: index:726.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_torrent: Received chunk done: index:726.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_torrent: Queue: position:737 outstanding:10 try_quick:0.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Get: index:737 flags:0x4.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Get: index:737 flags:0x2.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Release: index:737 flags:0.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->hash_queue: Adding index:737 to queue.
1436032705 D 83468B84464985EE71DF8E8BD68A9BBBB4BD23B3->chunk_list: Release: index:726 flags:0x4.
Got the same error.
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack:
0 /usr/bin/rtorrent() [0x415374]
1 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc70f21e8d0]
2 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc70ef94fc8]
3 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc710716e5a]
4 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc71075a477]
5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc71075a4f0]
6 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc710763520]
7 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc7106dfeb7]
8 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc7106dff62]
9 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc710716266]
10 /usr/bin/rtorrent() [0x41476a]
11 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fc70ee87b45]
12 /usr/bin/rtorrent() [0x414d55]
Error: Success
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
Fault address: 0x7fc70a325e08.
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
rtorrent 0.9.2, debian 8, kernel 3.16.0-4 Yestarday all was good, but now - this problems. So, I have a lot of free space - about 50Gb.
Same here rTorrent 0.9.4/0.13.4
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack:
rtorrent() [0x412f9c]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f3718a7b340]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f371873dff0]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x7f3719b4a4d9]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x7f3719b917ab]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x7f3719b95212]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x7f3719b0ea18]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x7f3719b0eaa0]
/usr/local/lib/ [0x7f3719b4876c]
rtorrent() [0x41211d]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f37186c7ec5]
rtorrent() [0x412864]
Error: Success
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
Fault address: 0x7f3709373008
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
I'm on 0.9.6 and haven't seen any errors anymore in a long time.
It was likely fixed in the above commit.
I'm experiencing this issue with rtorrent 0.9.6/0.13.6. Fresh install of Debian.
1452028548 C Caught signal: 'Non-existent physical address.'.
Caught SIGBUS, dumping stack:
/usr/bin/rtorrent() [0x4138af]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fdabdcb88d0]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fdabd16e729]
/usr/lib/ [0x7fdabe8c95b2]
/usr/lib/ [0x7fdabe90844d]
/usr/lib/ [0x7fdabe9084c0]
/usr/lib/ [0x7fdabe9104d9]
/usr/lib/ [0x7fdabe893340]
/usr/lib/ [0x7fdabe893401]
/usr/lib/ [0x7fdabe8c85b7]
/usr/bin/rtorrent() [0x4121db]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fdabd0ffb45]
/usr/bin/rtorrent() [0x413114]
Error: Success
Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address.
Fault address: 0x7fdab323e000
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
This issue is closed – open a new issue and refer to #39 if you want a better chance af any fix.
Thank you, @earthmeLon . Of course my hard drive had idled and that caused rtorrent the problems. :)
While starting torrents, I get the following output and rtorrent crashes:
0 rtorrent(_Z13handle_sigbusiP7siginfoPv+0x41) [0x444af1] 1 /lib64/ [0x7f267e9b62c0] 2 /lib64/ [0x7f267ea0a9a3] 3 /usr/lib64/ [0x7f267fcd0140] 4 /usr/lib64/ [0x7f267fd260ed] 5 /usr/lib64/ [0x7f267fd261dd] 6 /usr/lib64/ [0x7f267fd30fc6] 7 /usr/lib64/ [0x7f267fc923b8] 8 rtorrent() [0x51e6c4] 9 rtorrent() [0x4497b4] 10 /lib64/ [0x7f267e9a14cd] 11 rtorrent() [0x4437e9]
Error: Success Signal code '2': Non-existent physical address. Fault address: 0x7f267d430000.
The fault address is not part of any chunk.
I used 0.8.3 and 0.8.4 for a very long time without issues.
Additional info: libtorrent 0.13.0 libsigc++ 2.2.3 glibc 2.14.1 kernel
Need more info?