rakudo-p5 / v5

v5.pm for rakudo
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problem installing using panda #9

Closed cognominal closed 10 years ago

cognominal commented 10 years ago

It seems that the directions in README.md are obsolete. I tried to install using panda and I get

$ panda install v5 ... Compiling lib/Perl5/English.pm to mbc ===SORRY!=== Could not find Perl5 in any of: /Users/cog/git/panda/.panda-work/1407454221_1/blib/lib, /Users/cog/git/panda/.panda-work/1407454221_1/lib, /Users/cog/git/panda/.panda-work/1407454221_1, /Users/cog/git/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/lib, /Users/cog/git/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/site/lib, /Users/cog/git/rakudo/install/languages/perl6, /Users/cog/git/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/site Compiling lib/Perl5/Env.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/Errno.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/Exporter.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/Fatal.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/Fcntl.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/feature.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/fields.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/FileCache.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/FileHandle.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/filetest.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/FindBin.pm to mbc Compiling lib/Perl5/if.pm to mbc ===SORRY!=== Could not find Perl5 in any of: /Users/cog/git/panda/.panda-work/1407454221_1/blib/lib, /Users/cog/git/panda/.panda-work/1407454221_1/lib, /Users/cog/git/panda/.panda-work/1407454221_1, /Users/cog/git/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/lib, /Users/cog/git/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/site/lib, /Users/cog/git/rakudo/install/languages/perl6, /Users/cog/git/rakudo/install/languages/perl6/site build stage failed for v5: Failed building lib/Perl5/if.pm bash-3.2$

FROGGS commented 10 years ago

It cannot be installed with panda, that's why the README shows how to install it without panda.

I am working on panda support though, but this happens in the branch https://github.com/rakudo-p5/v5/tree/nqp_to_perl6