rakudo / rakudo.org

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SSL cert error #14

Closed hankache closed 6 years ago

hankache commented 6 years ago

ssl cert error

zoffixznet commented 6 years ago

Looks like something happened in the past ~24hr that broke the cert 'cause the site worked for me fine around that time...

zoffixznet commented 6 years ago

Thanks to moritz++ the issue is now fixed.

moritz commented 6 years ago

Ok, let me try to describe what happened:

But it turns out that the cron job uses a hardcoded list of domains, and is a bit outdated, so it didn't include rakudo.org and its subdomain(s).

Later, @zoffixznet noticed that rakudo.org didn't have a valid cert, and tried to fix it. This was complicated by the fact that the the perl -i ... script replaced the symlinks in /etc/sites-enabled to modified copies of the files, so editing the files in /etc/sites-avaiable didn't have any effect.

By the time I read Zoffix's messages on the topic, and realized the symlink problem, we had already run into a rate limit from let's encrypt, and we couldn't obtain new certs anymore.

For the moment, I've re-instated the old certs, so we still have to get new certs in the next ~6 days.