rakudo / rakudo.org

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Mention Arch Linux's user repository, Add more distros, Change the layout #61

Closed CIAvash closed 3 years ago

CIAvash commented 3 years ago

Created a section for user repositories for Gnu/Linux distros.

Added a link to the rakudo package on AUR.

patrickbkr commented 3 years ago

@CIAvash Can you think of something to order / format this in a more uniform way? The thing that bothers me, is that rakudo-pkg and the OpenSuse packages are user packages just as well.

CIAvash commented 3 years ago

@patrickbkr I don't know if that's enough, but made some small changes to make it more uniform.

niner commented 3 years ago

Rakudo is an official part of openSUSE tumbleweed: http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/x86_64/rakudo-2020.05.1-3.2.x86_64.rpm (should be 2021.03 soon)

CIAvash commented 3 years ago

@niner so the same command zypper install rakudo should work in openSUSE Tumbleweed, right?

So it's probably best to remove the openSUSE section in user repositories and mention Tubleweed in Distro packages:

Should I make this change?

niner commented 3 years ago

On openSUSE Tumbleweed (their rolling distribution) all one needs to do is zypper install rakudo On openSUSE Leap (their old fashioned stable release distribution), the easiest way is via "Show experimental packages", then "1 Click Install": https://software.opensuse.org/package/rakudo An important message here is simply that there are supported packages for all openSUSE distributions.

CIAvash commented 3 years ago

Under binary releases for Linux, it says that the archives come with the zef package manager, but I don't see zef in the archive. Should I remove the zef part?

patrickbkr commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure zef is in there. See in share/perl6/site/bin/zef.

patrickbkr commented 3 years ago

Looking good. Any reason not to merge?

CIAvash commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure zef is in there. See in share/perl6/site/bin/zef.

Are there plans for changing perl6 to raku?

patrickbkr commented 3 years ago

@CIAvash That folder name is depended upon in many places inside and outside of the core rakudo project. If that folder name is changing it will probably only happen in combination with a new language release. So if it's going to change, then not in the near future.

lizmat commented 3 years ago

FWIW, this also applies to the src/Perl6 directory: the new grammar of the rakuast branch is located in the src/Raku directory. Once that branch lands, the src/Perl6 directory will be removed.

patrickbkr commented 3 years ago

@CIAvash Can I merge?

CIAvash commented 3 years ago

@patrickbkr yeah, sure. I can't think of anything else to add.