rakudo / star

Rakudo Star (Raku distribution)
Artistic License 2.0
265 stars 41 forks source link

zef requires git #145

Closed ToddAndMargo closed 3 years ago

ToddAndMargo commented 4 years ago

Windows 7, sp1, x64 rakudo-star-2019.03-x86_64 (JIT).msi

"zef" requires "git" to operate . Please include this dependency in the package.

Many thanks, -T

K:\Windows\NtUtil>zef install GTK::Simple ===> Searching for: GTK::Simple ===> Updating cpan mirror: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugexe/Perl6-ecosyst ems/master/cpan1.json ===> Updating p6c mirror: http://ecosystem-api.p6c.org/projects1.json ===> Updated cpan mirror: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugexe/Perl6-ecosyste ms/master/cpan1.json ===> Updated p6c mirror: http://ecosystem-api.p6c.org/projects1.json Enabled fetching backends [path pswebrequest] don't understand git://github.com/ perl6/gtk-simple.git You may need to configure one of the following backends, or install its underlyi ng software - [git curl wget]

ohmycloud commented 4 years ago

you may need to install git first

ToddAndMargo commented 4 years ago

you may need to install git first

Indeed. The installer for Perl should check for the dependency and either install it itself or error out and tell the user to do it. And yes, I realize I am spoiled by Fedora's dnf.

JJ commented 4 years ago

You would probably want to raise this issue in the zef repo itself. zef is not a part of Rakudo. Its README.md also mentions a series of backends. It is implicit that you need to install them first, including git or wget.

ToddAndMargo commented 4 years ago

Not to be contrary, but zef was installed with rakudo-star-2019.03-x86_64 (JIT).msi, so it is Rakudo's their responsibility . Otherwise download them as two separate packages.

JJ commented 4 years ago

Not to be contrary, but zef was installed with rakudo-star-2019.03-x86_64 (JIT).msi, so it is Rakudo's their responsibility . Otherwise download them as two separate packages.

I'm sorry, but no, it's not. Rakudo star is a distribution of raku that includes zef and some other modules and scripts. You can find the repo here https://github.com/rakudo/star. This repository is just for the compiler itself, Rakudo, and its issues.

ToddAndMargo commented 4 years ago

Where is their bug reporter?

ToddAndMargo commented 4 years ago

Hi JJ,

Not to be a pain in your butt, but here is where I downloaded: https://rakudo.org/files/

Which points to https://rakudo.org/latest/star/win64

And resolves to:

curl --header 'Host: github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com' --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0' --header 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8' --header 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' --referer 'https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/tag/v2.24.0.windows.2' --header 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' 'https://github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com/23216272/71c5a100-00d6-11ea-822c-0617e3aba1d7?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20191130%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20191130T024554Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=8c48ebaadb9af749df1f45b972b3731cdcdf73589e0c2304eb9abffcec9f2e36&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=843205&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3DGit-' --output 'Git-'

And on that SAME page, "bugs" are reported here: https://rakudo.org/bugs

So either remove zef from the download or include the dependencies or just remove the download altogether. If you include something in your release, then you are responsible.

JJ commented 4 years ago

Where is their bug reporter?

I don't think that's a bug, neither here nor there. If it's anything, it's a documentation bug, and only for zef, although, as I say above, it should be obvious that you need git (and all the other backends) to download modules.

Whatever it is, it's not a bug of Rakudo, which is the compiler. I would appreciate if you would close this one, and open another, if you so want, where it's really relevant.

So either remove zef from the download or include the dependencies or just remove the download altogether. If you include something in your release, then you are responsible.

Be that as it may, you are responsible of reporting the bug where people can really do something (or otherwise respond) to it, which would be the zef repo, in this case. If you don't do that, it will simply not get to the person(s) that can do something about it or help you in any capacity.

ToddAndMargo commented 4 years ago

Hi JJ,

It is a dependency error in the installer. This is the same as Anaconda making an error in the installation of Fedora. By the way, Anaconda bugs are reported on Fedora's bugzilla, just as I am doing here. Errors are bugs too. Not all bugs are 2+2=3. If the installer does something wrong, like missing a dependency, it is a bug.

And yes I know, this is Windows -- poor quality is to be expected. This is not Red Hat's package manager. I do occasionally report missing dependencies to Fedora and they fix them in the spec files. They never give you a bad time about it.

Since you distribute this, where us upstream? In other words, where did you get it from?


coke commented 4 years ago

Rakudo star issues are here: https://github.com/rakudo/star/issues - we could probably migrate this ticket.

ToddAndMargo commented 4 years ago

Rakudo star issues are here: https://github.com/rakudo/star/issues - we could probably migrate this ticket.

I'd appreciate it if you would

Tyil commented 3 years ago

The Rakudo Star project installs Rakudo Star, not any dependencies any bundled modules optionally use.