rakudo / star

Rakudo Star (Raku distribution)
Artistic License 2.0
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Add module Inline::Perl5 #154

Open tbrowder opened 4 years ago

tbrowder commented 4 years ago

It should be installed for the sake of new users coming from Perl as well as new users in general. It is not always trivial to install it with Zef as can be seen with my current troubles with Travis CI testing my module 'Excel'.

Tyil commented 3 years ago

I've added Inline::Perl5 in my local tree to test it out, but it fails for me with the following error:

[2021-01-07T00:19:54] Installing Inline-Perl5  
Failed to open file /home/tyil/projects/personal/rakudo-star/src/rakudo-star-modules/Inline-Perl5/resources/libraries/libp5helper.so: No such file or directory                                             
  in sub MAIN at /home/tyil/projects/personal/rakudo-star/lib/install-module.raku line 27
  in block <unit> at /home/tyil/projects/personal/rakudo-star/lib/install-module.raku line 1

Perhaps this is because it is not installed through zef, which may perform some additional steps. If you can detail me which steps these are, and how to perform them manually, I can see if I can incorporate this into Rakudo Star's installation process.