rakyll / hey

HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement
Apache License 2.0
17.66k stars 1.17k forks source link

Installation instructions #211

Open diamondavocado opened 4 years ago

diamondavocado commented 4 years ago

Please provide installation instructions for Linux.

raymondjolly commented 3 years ago

Having installation instructions for windows would be helpful as well.

obrienrobert commented 3 years ago

The links in the installation section of the README are dead. Anyone have an alternative link for Linux installation?

yasar-arafat commented 3 years ago

Hi If you have already installed Go. You can do go get to it.

$ go get github.com/rakyll/hey

It will create a binary in your GOBIN folder

$ go env
set GO111MODULE=
set GOARCH=amd64
set GOBIN=C:\Users\yar\go\bin <<<<<<
set GOCACHE=C:\Users\yar\AppData\Local\go-build
guicurcio commented 1 year ago

go get is deprecated outside a module, to install use go install github.com/rakyll/hey@latest