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Community Errata: Movement rates for Jump, Swim etc. #57

Closed Unclebaby closed 4 months ago

Unclebaby commented 4 months ago

CFI actually explains a lot of what MI omits.

Those rules can be placed in Community Errata - or just pasted in?

From the CFI Issue...

See the Situational Movement Rates in CFI.

Climbing: Worn armor hinders climbers, with each location covered by light armor counting as 1 additional 'Thing' carried, and each location covered by heavy armor counting as 2 additional 'Things' carried.

Jumping: Reduce the jump distance in feet by half the total 'Things' carried. Worn armor hinders jumpers, with each location covered by light armor counting as 1 'Thing' in the beforementioned calculation, and heavy armor counts as 2 'Things.'

Swimming: Under normal conditions a character's maximum swimming speed per Round is equal to their Movement Rate, -1 for each 'Thing' carried more than the character's STR. Worn armor hinders swimmers, with each location covered by light armor counting as 1 additional 'Thing' carried, and each location covered by heavy armor counting as 2 additional 'Things' carried. If total ENC reduces swim distance to 0 or less, the character automatically begins drowning (see Asphyxiation).

Unclebaby commented 4 months ago

Additionally, Loz suggested the following for Climb in the TDM forum...

10:20 PM - March 4th Good spot - this is indeed a hold-over from the core rules.

To keep things absolutely simple, I'd use the following chart:

Total AP Worn Load Category Penalty to Movement
0-7 None 0
8-15 Light -1
16-23 Medium -2
24-31 Heavy -3
32-39 Formidable -4
40+ Herculean -5

There should always be a chance of climbing in even in full armour.

Unclebaby commented 4 months ago

Climb, Jump and Swim rules updated in MI SRD under Combat - Situational Movement Rates