ralfbiedert / cheats.rs

Rust Language Cheat Sheet - https://cheats.rs
4.09k stars 382 forks source link

Site delisted on Bing / DuckDuckGo #153

Closed ralfbiedert closed 2 years ago

ralfbiedert commented 2 years ago

Apparently cheats.rs practically does not appear in either site's results anymore. DuckDuckGo only shows it when forced with url:cheats.rs, Bing seems to avoid it entirely.

Bing's help has this list to offer, I ticked the ones I checked and that should not apply:

ralfbiedert commented 2 years ago

Tentative answer from Bing:

Thank you for contacting Bing Webmaster tool support. I have taken the ownership of the ticket.

During my investigation I was able to identify that we are in fact having issues reaching your site URL with our crawlers. Please find the attached screenshot.

When checked the crawl status of the your site URL with help of our internal tool, receiving crawl error as "OtherFailure" response, instead should receive 200 response.

Often when I see these issues it is caused from a block that has been implemented preventing our Bots from reaching your site. You will want to check with your Web Host/Web Service Provider, .htaccess files, virus detection, and data center for any unintentional blocks placed on our User Agents.  You can find information on our User Agents at the following URL: ...

Cloudflare does not offer support for free plans so won't help. FWIW, bot protection is "Essentially Off" and there are no firewall rules or anything suspicious set.

ralfbiedert commented 2 years ago

Bing apparently is unable to crawl sites with minimum TLS set to 1.3. Happy 2022 everyone.