ralfvd / com.everspring

Everspring support Homey
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Not working after homey (since V3.2.1) reboot #44

Open hallard opened 4 years ago

hallard commented 4 years ago

With latest homey firmware 3.2.1 each time homey is rebooting, all my everspring devices are with red exclamation mark and not usuable anymore. the everspring app looks like in a "wrong state" The only way to fix is to restart everspring app from homey and all is working fine after that (until next reboot)

ralfvd commented 4 years ago


I am trying to replicate this, I've got multiple reports for this, but on my Homey the Everspring app comes back OK after a reboot. Do you execute a software reboot or does it only happen when the Homey devices loses power?

To be sure, you are running 0.2.6 of the Everspring app? Can you give an overview of which Everspring devices you are using? Maybe it are some specific devices; I don't have access to all included Everspring devices unfortunately.

ralfvd commented 4 years ago

Are you using battery operated Everspring devices ? I see some discussions in the forums that it might only be Z-wave battery operated devices (also other brands) that have this issue.

hallard commented 4 years ago

@ralfvd Nope I'm not using battery devices mainly AN158 and AD147 and it happens when I manually reboot the homey from SDK or APP. Everspring app is 0.2.6

But I have a flow that trigger some AN158 to power on when homey restart (in case of power outage to power on the AN158 critical plug such as the fridge) and may be flow is triggered before zwave stack is up so I delayed the plug "ON" 5 minutes after the reboot but not tested. I have a fibaro plug in the flow but fibaro app works fine after reboot, only all everspring devices are red.


ralfvd commented 4 years ago

OK, I will search further. The only thing I see after a reboot that it takes a pretty long time before the Z-wave devices (powered and battery-operated) are back on-line. Everspring seems to be the last to be up and running, but also Fibaro and other brands can take their time. Not sure if this is worse than in previous Homey FW versions. I have a lot of apps installed, so it can take some minutes before everything is up and running. But I never see the red exclamation mark.

I myself also use the AD147 and that seems to work fine after a reboot.

neoman604 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am experiencing the exact same issue. When i reboot my Homey, all my everspring devices are with red exclamation marks and not usable anymore. When using the everspring devices after a reboot it results in timeout messages in the homey app and the devices do not respond to commands send from the homey. When restarting the everspring app the devices function immediately.

Versions: Homey: V4.0.0 Everspring app: V0.2.6

Devices Everspring AD147-2 Everspring ST814 (also has an issue that it retrieves the status once and after this it does not send updates to homey anymore)

fredrikwa commented 4 years ago

Hi! I have the same issue

Versions Homey: 4.1.0 Eversprint app: 0.2.6

Devices: AD-147

ralfvd commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I will do a major rewrite of the application in the near future, as it is still using an old SDK. Hopefully the issues will then be solved.

On my system I still cannot replicate the behaviour.

So, hang in there, hopefully a new version will emerge soon...