ralian / eai

Enfusion Artifical Intelligence for DayZ and future Bohemia Interactive games.
Apache License 2.0
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Compile error fresh install #23

Open geds3169 opened 2 years ago

geds3169 commented 2 years ago


I am experiencing an error with a server that I have just installed.

When I run the server the error is as follows:

Can't compile mission init script'! $CurrentDir://mpmissions/Expansion.ChernarusPlusGloom/eAI/AI_init.c(44): Unknow type 'eAIDynamicPatrol'

I placed the eAI folder, in the folder:

/Expension.ChernarusPlusGloom/ with all its content (AI_init.c)

I modified the init.c file corresponding to the map I want ChernarusPlusGloom and added this line:

#include "$ CurrentDir: mpmissions/Expansion.ChernarusPlusGloom/eAI/AI_init.c"

Then add the line in this block: InitDynamicPatrols ();

` //DATE RESET AFTER ECONOMY INIT------------------------- int year, month, day, hour, minute; int reset_month = 9, reset_day = 20; GetGame().GetWorld().GetDate(year, month, day, hour, minute);

if ((month == reset_month) && (day < reset_day))
    GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute);
    if ((month == reset_month + 1) && (day > reset_day))
        GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute);
        if ((month < reset_month) || (month > reset_month + 1))
            GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate(year, reset_month, reset_day, hour, minute);

} `

Below is a screenshot of my mission file with the content, error and line appearing to be a problem:


Hoping that it was really me who made a mistake, in which case, thank you kindly tell me my mistake.

Sincerely Geds