rallion / depressurizer

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Updating from Local files Unexpected character #47

Closed exmex closed 8 years ago

exmex commented 8 years ago

Error updating from local files: Unexpected character '7' found when expecting key.

Pretty much says what it does.

When I open depressurizer it gives me that error.

Here is the log btw :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

14:28:36.558735 - ERR: Exception when performing local update. Depressurizer.ParseException: Unexpected character '7' found when expecting key. at Depressurizer.VdfFileNode.LoadFromBinary(BinaryReader stream, Int64 streamLength) at Depressurizer.VdfFileNode.LoadFromBinary(BinaryReader stream, Int64 streamLength) at Depressurizer.VdfFileNode.LoadFromBinary(BinaryReader stream, Int64 streamLength) at Depressurizer.PackageInfo.LoadPackages(String path) at Depressurizer.GameList.UpdateGameListFromOwnedPackageInfo(Int64 accountId, SortedSet`1 ignored, AppTypes includedTypes, Int32& newApps) at Depressurizer.FormMain.UpdateLibrary()

Theo47 commented 8 years ago

This error happens while reading from \Steam\userdata\config\localconfig.vdf The program expects each value to be enclosed in double quotes like here or here. Apparently you have a value starting with 7 that isn't enclosed in quotes somewhere in the file.

Do you think you could locate where that happens and post the relevant lines? Alternatively can you post your localconfig.vdf file? In this case you may want to skim through it and remove any sensitive data first.

exmex commented 8 years ago

So the problem is not the localconfig.vdf it's actually the appache\packageinfo.vdf

Debugging Depressurizer

Debugging Depressurizer2

EDIT: And it is fixed in your 0.6.3 version.

Theo47 commented 8 years ago

I see. I missed the PackageInfo.LoadPackages function so i assumed it was VdfFileNode.LoadFromText from a few lines below.

Kinda strange since i never touched any of those functions. But all's well that ends well.

Edit: Apparently rallion had fixed it in his dev branch. Edit2: https://github.com/rallion/depressurizer/pull/32

exmex commented 8 years ago

Alright :). I'm just using yours now. This is kinda old :P