ralmsdeveloper / EntityFrameworkCore.FirebirdSQL

FirebirdSQL database provider for Entity Framework Core.
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Invalid query constructed when check for list.Contains(element) and the list is empty #37

Open slavanap opened 6 years ago

slavanap commented 6 years ago

The issue

Tested sample:

List<int> parts = new List<int>();
var groupsQ = from grp in _context.Groups
              join item in _context.Items on grp.Id equals item.GroupId
              where item.PartId.HasValue && parts.Contains(item.PartId.Value)
              select grp;

Steps to reproduce

Check for List.Contains(X) when the list is empty.

Error details


Further technical details

Firebird version: 2.5.8 EntityFrameworkCore.FirebirdSql version: 6.1.0