ralmsdeveloper / EntityFrameworkCore.FirebirdSQL

FirebirdSQL database provider for Entity Framework Core.
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Cannot Scaffold if my table hasnt Primary Key #38

Open Cae2 opened 6 years ago

Cae2 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to scaffold a database who doesnt use Primary Key on its tables.

When I run a dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold I got the following error:

PK '' on table 'NF ' has no columns! PK '' on table 'PRODUTOS_EVENTOS ' has no columns! Unable to identify the primary key for table 'NF '. Unable to generate entity type for table 'NF '. Unable to identify the primary key for table 'PRODUTOS_EVENTOS '. Unable to generate entity type for table 'PRODUTOS_EVENTOS '.

there is something that I can do? (its not my database, so I cannot alter it to add PK on tables)

Thank you!

ralmsdeveloper commented 5 years ago

All, well sorry for the delay, I'm going back to work.