ralna / spral

Sparse Parallel Robust Algorithms Library
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libspral.a #138

Closed bharswami closed 11 months ago

bharswami commented 11 months ago

I built the repository using ./configure, ./autogen.sh) and make install, not necessarily in that order. I got libspral.a file, but I am not sure if that is supported in Windows Visual Studio 2022. I read that libspral.dll file is needed. Anyone know how to get libspral.dll and the corresponding lib file from the repository in Ubuntu?

jfowkes commented 11 months ago

Indeed libspral.a is a Linux static library and you need a Windows libspral.dll, see here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38786014/how-to-compile-executable-for-windows-with-gcc-with-linux-subsystem Basically you need to cross compile using something like MinGW to get Windows dlls. We don't support this so you're on your own I'm afraid until we get the meson build system for SPRAL up and running (which will support Windows).