ralph-irving / jivelite

Community Lyrion Music Server control application
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Help please - keyboard #15

Closed IAmLostForWords closed 6 years ago

IAmLostForWords commented 6 years ago


I am having an issue on my raspbian based pCP and I can not find a solution to it: while on the console my non-us keyboard layout perfectly works, within jivelite, I only have the US qwerty layout. Could you please advise or advise where to find a solution or request for such? I tried googling, tweaking pcp / tiny core etc. to no avail.

Thanks and whishing you a happy 2018 Marcus

ralph-irving commented 6 years ago

Hi Marcus, Your issue is unclear to me. Does your non-us keyboard work or not when jivelite is running on the console?

IAmLostForWords commented 6 years ago

Hi Ralph

Thanks for responding. Within jivelite: only U.S. keyboard. When remotely logging in via ssh: german keyboard layout.


ralph-irving commented 6 years ago

jivelite only reads keys from the console keyboard when using the framebuffer in pcp. Using ssh to control jivelite is not supported.

IAmLostForWords commented 6 years ago

that is a misunderstanding: jivelite is running within pCP, started from the console. I do not start / control it via ssh. When jivelite is started within console, I only have the US keyboard. When remotely logging in I have my German keys. Should I assume that the default console configuration is different from the shell configuration for ssh?

ralph-irving commented 6 years ago

Yes they are different. When you connect using ssh you inherit the locale of the remote machine. pcp currently only supports the us keyboard from the console.

IAmLostForWords commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the quick responses! To understand correctly: no chance of modifying /etc/sysconfig/keyboard or similar tricks?

IAmLostForWords commented 6 years ago

sorry /etc/sysconfig/keymap of course

ralph-irving commented 6 years ago

There's no way that I'm aware.

ralph-irving commented 6 years ago

I just came across this while researching another keyboard issue.


IAmLostForWords commented 6 years ago

Hi, yes, I have seen that too. But the kmaps extension is not part of pCP. But in pCP there are under /usr/locale/share/keymaps keymap definitions. These can be dumped to the required binary format using the 'loadkeys -b' command to /usr/share/kmap. Then those can be loaded using loadkmap. In order to make that persistent:

  1. dump preferrably 'sudo gunzip /usr/locale/share/keymaps/WHATEVER.map.gz && sudo loadkeys -b /usr/locale/share/keymaps/WHATEVER.map > /usr/share/kmap/WHATEVER.kmap
  2. Add the reference to the kmap file to /opt/.filetool.lst
  3. Add a call to 'loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap' to /opt/bootlocal.sh
  4. persist with 'sudo filetool.sh -b'
  5. reboot seems to work
IAmLostForWords commented 6 years ago

Maybe should add that some of the maps are dependent. If for example you use de-latin1-nodeadkeys, you will have to gunzip the de-latin1 before, it seems