ralphlange / procServ

Wrapper to start arbitrary interactive commands in the background, with telnet or Unix domain socket access to stdin/stdout
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Is dblatex required? #44

Closed jeonghanlee closed 3 years ago

jeonghanlee commented 3 years ago


I tried to compile procSev on Apple M1 (aarch64) with --enable-doc. With that option, I need to install dblatex with asciidoc through macport, which I have arm64.

Anyway, you might be interested to see whether procServ compilation and command works well on Apple M1 aarch64 environment. Within the arm64 terminal, the following command makes procServ running well. I am going to use this slowly, so if I find something interesting, I will let you know.

$ sudo port install asciidoc dblatex
$ git clone https://github.com/jeonghanlee/procServ
$ cd procServ
$ make
$ ./configure --enable-doc
$ make
$ sudo make install

$ uname -ar
Darwin JeongLee-M70.local 20.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.3.0: Thu Jan 21 00:06:51 PST 2021; 
root:xnu-7195.81.3~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101 arm64

$ lipo -info /usr/local/bin/procServ
Non-fat file: /usr/local/bin/procServ is architecture: arm64

$ procServ -h
Usage: procServ [options] -P <endpoint>... <command args ...>    (-h for help)
       procServ [options] <endpoint> <command args ...>
<endpoint>:          endpoint to use for control connections
    <port>           TCP <port> on local/all interfaces (see --allow/--restrict)
    <iface>:<port>   TCP <port> on specific IP <iface> (numeric)
    unix:<path>      UNIX domain socket at <path> (@... for abstract)
<command args ...>   command line to start child process
    --allow               allow control connections from anywhere
    --autorestartcmd      command to toggle auto restart flag (^ for ctrl)
    --coresize <n>        set maximum core size for child to <n>
 -c --chdir <dir>         change directory to <dir> before starting child
 -d --debug               debug mode (keeps child in foreground)
 -e --exec <str>          specify child executable (default: arg0 of <command>)
 -f --foreground          keep child in foreground (interactive)
 -h --help                print this message
    --holdoff <n>         set holdoff time [sec] between child restarts
 -i --ignore <str>        ignore all chars in <str> (^ for ctrl)
 -I --info-file <file>    write instance information to this file
 -k --killcmd <str>       command to kill (reboot) the child (^ for ctrl)
    --killsig <n>         signal to send to child when killing
 -l --logport <endpoint>  allow log connections through telnet <endpoint>
 -L --logfile <file>      write log to <file>, '-' logs to stdout
    --logstamp [<str>]    prefix log lines with timestamp [strftime format]
 -n --name <str>          set child's name (default: arg0 of <command>)
    --noautorestart       do not restart child on exit by default
 -o --oneshot             after child exits, exit the server
 -p --pidfile <str>       write PID file (for server PID)
 -P --port <endpoint>     allow control connections through telnet <endpoint>
 -q --quiet               suppress informational output (server)
    --restrict            restrict log access to connections from localhost
    --timefmt <str>       set time format (strftime) to <str>
 -V --version             print program version
 -w --wait                wait for cmd on control connection to start child
 -x --logoutcmd <str>     command to logout client connection (^ for ctrl)

Thanks, Han

ralphlange commented 3 years ago

Correct. The toolchain to create the PDF documentation (which is not needed when using the distribution tar) also includes dblatex.