ram1123 / 2l2Q_limitSettingTool

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Understand the likelihood scan #22

Open ram1123 opened 1 year ago

ram1123 commented 1 year ago

Summary of problem

The stat uncertainty seems roughly half of the syst uncertainty. But I assumed it should be the opposite.


Commands that I used is

# Run with systematics
combine -M MultiDimFit -d hzz2l2q_13TeV_xs.root -m 600 --freezeParameters MH -n .bestfit.with_syst_points150 --setParameterRanges r=-3,3 --saveWorkspace   -t -1 --expectSignal 1   --verbose -1 --algo grid --points 150

# Run with --freezeParameters allConstrainedNuisances
combine -M MultiDimFit higgsCombine.bestfit.with_syst_points150.MultiDimFit.mH600.root -m 600 --freezeParameters MH,allConstrainedNuisances -n .scan.with_syst.statonly_correct_points150 --setParameterRanges r=-3,3 --snapshotName MultiDimFit   -t -1 --expectSignal 1   --verbose -1 --algo grid --points 250 

# plot
plot1DScan.py higgsCombine.bestfit.with_syst_points150.MultiDimFit.mH600.root --main-label "With systematics" --main-color 1 --others higgsCombine.scan.with_syst.statonly_correct_points150.MultiDimFit.mH600.root:"Stat-only":2 -o ../../figs/mH600_2018_29mar_blind__points150 --breakdown syst,stat

These commands I grabbed from : Reference of commands: https://cms-analysis.github.io/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit/tutorial2023/parametric_exercise/#uncertainty-breakdown

Here, is what we used for h4l, but it's a bit confusing because of several POIs. Both seems to be similar commands.