ram1123 / 2l2Q_limitSettingTool

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Comparison of old and new DC #69

Open ram1123 opened 2 months ago

ram1123 commented 2 months ago

Old DC: ANv9

New DC: Latest version


ram1123 commented 2 months ago



[INFO] - [utils.py:#72] - COMMAND TO RUN: combine   -M AsymptoticLimits -d hzz2l2q_13TeV_xs.txt -m 1000   -n .mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis_  --run blind   --setParameterRanges r=0,20  | tee mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis_.log 
 <<< Combine >>> 
 <<< v9.2.1 >>>
>>> Random number generator seed is 123456
Will use a-priori instead of a-posteriori expected background.
>>> Method used is AsymptoticLimits
 -- AsymptoticLimits ( CLs ) --
Expected  2.5%: r < 0.0036
Expected 16.0%: r < 0.0046
Expected 50.0%: r < 0.0063
Expected 84.0%: r < 0.0100
Expected 97.5%: r < 0.0138

Done in 8.15 min (cpu), 8.57 min (real)


[INFO] - [utils.py:#72] - COMMAND TO RUN: combine   -M AsymptoticLimits -d hzz2l2q_13TeV_xs_NoNuisance.txt -m 1000   -n .mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis__NoNuisance  --run blind   --setParameterRanges r=0,20  | tee mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis__NoNuisance.log 
 <<< Combine >>> 
 <<< v9.2.1 >>>
>>> Random number generator seed is 123456
Will use a-priori instead of a-posteriori expected background.
>>> Method used is AsymptoticLimits
PDF didn't factorize!
Set Range of Parameter r To : (0,20)
 -- AsymptoticLimits ( CLs ) --
Expected  2.5%: r < 0.0044
Expected 16.0%: r < 0.0059
Expected 50.0%: r < 0.0083
Expected 84.0%: r < 0.0117
Expected 97.5%: r < 0.0164

Done in 1.82 min (cpu), 2.23 min (real)
ram1123 commented 2 months ago

NO bin by bin Uncertainty; With only Zjets in the fastvertical

[INFO] - [utils.py:#72] - COMMAND TO RUN: combine   -M AsymptoticLimits -d hzz2l2q_13TeV_xs.txt -m 1000   -n .mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis_  --run blind   --setParameterRanges r=0,20  | tee mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis_.log 
 <<< Combine >>> 
 <<< v9.2.1 >>>
>>> Random number generator seed is 123456
Will use a-priori instead of a-posteriori expected background.
>>> Method used is AsymptoticLimits

 -- AsymptoticLimits ( CLs ) --
Expected  2.5%: r < 0.0028
Expected 16.0%: r < 0.0041
Expected 50.0%: r < 0.0063
Expected 84.0%: r < 0.0092
Expected 97.5%: r < 0.0133

Done in 0.83 min (cpu), 1.05 min (real)
[INFO] - [utils.py:#72] - COMMAND TO RUN: combine   -M AsymptoticLimits -d hzz2l2q_13TeV_xs_NoNuisance.txt -m 1000   -n .mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis__NoNuisance  --run blind   --setParameterRanges r=0,20  | tee mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis__NoNuisance.log 
 <<< Combine >>> 
 <<< v9.2.1 >>>
>>> Random number generator seed is 123456
Will use a-priori instead of a-posteriori expected background.
>>> Method used is AsymptoticLimits
PDF didn't factorize!
Set Range of Parameter r To : (0,20)
 -- AsymptoticLimits ( CLs ) --
Expected  2.5%: r < 0.0049
Expected 16.0%: r < 0.0068
Expected 50.0%: r < 0.0093
Expected 84.0%: r < 0.0137
Expected 97.5%: r < 0.0187

Done in 0.27 min (cpu), 0.38 min (real)
ram1123 commented 2 months ago

NO bin by bin Uncertainty; With all bkg in the fastvertical

[INFO] - [utils.py:#72] - COMMAND TO RUN: combine   -M AsymptoticLimits -d hzz2l2q_13TeV_xs.txt -m 1000   -n .mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis_  --run blind   --setParameterRanges r=0,20  | tee mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis_.log 
 <<< Combine >>> 
 <<< v9.2.1 >>>
>>> Random number generator seed is 123456
Will use a-priori instead of a-posteriori expected background.
>>> Method used is AsymptoticLimits

 -- AsymptoticLimits ( CLs ) --
Expected  2.5%: r < 0.0032
Expected 16.0%: r < 0.0050
Expected 50.0%: r < 0.0073
Expected 84.0%: r < 0.0106
Expected 97.5%: r < 0.0146

Done in 0.95 min (cpu), 1.15 min (real)
[INFO] - [utils.py:#72] - COMMAND TO RUN: combine   -M AsymptoticLimits -d hzz2l2q_13TeV_xs_NoNuisance.txt -m 1000   -n .mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis__NoNuisance  --run blind   --setParameterRanges r=0,20  | tee mH1000_2018_10jun_blind_BkgOnlyHypothesis__NoNuisance.log 
 <<< Combine >>> 
 <<< v9.2.1 >>>
>>> Random number generator seed is 123456
Will use a-priori instead of a-posteriori expected background.
>>> Method used is AsymptoticLimits
PDF didn't factorize!
Set Range of Parameter r To : (0,20)
 -- AsymptoticLimits ( CLs ) --
Expected  2.5%: r < 0.0054
Expected 16.0%: r < 0.0076
Expected 50.0%: r < 0.0103
Expected 84.0%: r < 0.0152
Expected 97.5%: r < 0.0204

Done in 0.82 min (cpu), 0.97 min (real)