ram1123 / nanoAOD_skim

nanoAOD skiming code for vv senile-tonic VBS studies
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Lep ID and FSR fixes #10

Closed YujiLee301 closed 11 months ago

YujiLee301 commented 1 year ago
ram1123 commented 1 year ago

Hi @YujiLee301 ,

There is still some issue for the data. No event is passing if I give data root file as input.

Will write selected trees to .
Filename root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/data/Run2018B/SingleMuon/NANOAOD/UL2018_MiniAODv2_NanoAODv9_GT36-v1/2430000/87FA9714-D8D3-1345-BFF5-3B417B1ADC64.root is remote, will do a copy to local path /tmp/rasharma/87FA9714-D8D3-1345-BFF5-3B417B1ADC64-1b548315b3e0db.root
Time used for transferring the file locally: 1.12 s
Pre-select 56973 entries out of 56973 (100.00%)
/afs/cern.ch/work/r/rasharma/nanoAODToolDev_H4l/CMSSW_10_6_30/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/python/postprocessing/analysis/nanoAOD_skim/Helper.py:10: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read https://msg.pyyaml.org/load for full details.
  cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile)

Processed    10000/   56973 entries, 17.55% (elapsed time   110.3s, curr speed    0.091 kHz, avg speed    0.091 kHz), accepted        0/   10001 events ( 0.00%)
Processed    20000/   56973 entries, 35.10% (elapsed time   221.6s, curr speed    0.090 kHz, avg speed    0.090 kHz), accepted        0/   20001 events ( 0.00%)
Processed    30000/   56973 entries, 52.66% (elapsed time   334.3s, curr speed    0.089 kHz, avg speed    0.090 kHz), accepted        0/   30001 events ( 0.00%)
Processed    40000/   56973 entries, 70.21% (elapsed time   444.1s, curr speed    0.091 kHz, avg speed    0.090 kHz), accepted        0/   40001 events ( 0.00%)
Processed    50000/   56973 entries, 87.76% (elapsed time   552.9s, curr speed    0.092 kHz, avg speed    0.090 kHz), accepted        0/   50001 events ( 0.00%)
Processed 56973 preselected entries from root://cms-xrd-global.cern.ch//store/data/Run2018B/SingleMuon/NANOAOD/UL2018_MiniAODv2_NanoAODv9_GT36-v1/2430000/87FA9714-D8D3-1345-BFF5-3B417B1ADC64.root (56973 entries). Finally selected 0 entries
Error in <TTree::SetBranchStatus>: No branch name is matching wildcard -> Gen*
Done ./87FA9714-D8D3-1345-BFF5-3B417B1ADC64_Skim.root
PassTrig: 49329 Events
Pass4eCut: 0 Events
Pass4eGhostRemoval: 0 Events
Pass4eLepPtCut: 0 Events
Pass4eQCDSupress: 0 Events
PassmZ1mZ2Cut_4e: 0 Events
Passm4l_105_160_Cut_4e: 0 Events
Pass4muCut: 0 Events
Pass4muGhostRemoval: 0 Events
Pass4muLepPtCut: 0 Events
Pass4muQCDSupress: 0 Events
PassmZ1mZ2Cut_4mu: 0 Events
Passm4l_105_160_Cut_4mu: 0 Events
Pass2e2muCut: 0 Events
Pass2e2muGhostRemoval: 0 Events
Pass2e2muLepPtCut: 0 Events
Pass2e2muQCDSupress: 0 Events
PassmZ1mZ2Cut_2e2mu: 0 Events
Passm4l_105_160_Cut_2e2mu: 0 Events
PassZZSelection: 0 Events
ram1123 commented 1 year ago

@YujiLee301 ,

Also, I updated the post_proc.py. So, you need to pull the changes before updating.

Now it needs also keep_and_drop_data.txt file to run over data. I can't upload there so I am adding it here. Please add it to the commit.


ram1123 commented 11 months ago

Hi @YujiLee301 ,

If possible, please try to fix this branch today. I want to merge this. So, that we can run over data.

ram1123 commented 11 months ago

Just realised that by mistake you directly pushed into my branch. To avoid this, I protected my branch. From now onwards no one will be able to directly push to branch "HZZ_Analysis" without a PR.

ram1123 commented 11 months ago

For now, just ensure that you run the

Once you will ensure this, I will merge this PR.