ramack / ActivityDiary

Android diary for any kind of activities
GNU General Public License v3.0
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fail to update an active activity's pic when this activity is terminated or another activity is started #291

Open tingsu opened 4 years ago

tingsu commented 4 years ago
  1. start an activity Cinema and take a pic
  2. switch to the picture column where a pic exists (correct function)
  3. click Cinema to terminate it (we can see the pic is still there, is this correct?)
  4. click another activity Sleeping to start it (we can see the pic is still there, this should be incorrect)


ramack commented 4 years ago

This looks like a bug. Thanks for reporting!

ramack commented 4 years ago

This one seems to be what I also experience from time to time and I referred to it in https://github.com/ramack/ActivityDiary/issues/289#issuecomment-616800905. Thanks a lot for the clear steps to reproduce it. in Step 3) I'd say it is already wrong. If there is no current activity we should not show any photo.

I guess the root cause for non-detection could be that initially there was no possibility to terminate apps. My initial idea was to track everything, but even I ended up with a "default" "Nothing_I_want_to_track" activity which is one of the most often used activities in my diary... And even though I added the possibility to terminate the current activity I somehow did not yet get rid of the habit to select this activity when I just want to stop tracking the current one. So my personal testing depth is quite low for the terminated activities...