Daniel, could you please check model fits 1-6 for each of the two following assessid's?
The fits all pass, but values of mean ER/ERmsy SPmod seem very small, leading to large values of
equivalent Fmsy SPmod.
Please check model fits against time series of ER and/or F to see what might be so unusual.
Daniel, could you please check model fits 1-6 for each of the two following assessid's? WGCSE-WHITVIIa-1980-2016-ICESIMP2018 WGSSDS-SOLECS-1970-2011-NEUBAUER
The fits all pass, but values of mean ER/ERmsy SPmod seem very small, leading to large values of equivalent Fmsy SPmod.
Please check model fits against time series of ER and/or F to see what might be so unusual.